September 2012 Babies

I really liked the idea of being able to have a place to talk about our pregnancy with with others who are due around the same time, so I am extending the topic to September babies.

I am barely out August group as my due date is September 2nd. I am currently 9 weeks and 5 days along. As this was a complete surprise to me, telling my husband wasn't the most adorable story. He came home and saw me crying. When he asked what was wrong, I bawled out, "There's a creature inside of me." Minor detail to the story, we found out on Friday the 13th. Now we are finally getting excited. I'm still a little nervous.

Things have been going smoothly. I have been facing the super sore boobs and rolling nausea, but am lucky only to have thrown up 4 days so far. I am trying to continue to eat healthy, but bland and/or salty foods seem most tolerable. I cannot wait to overcome the extreme exhaustion so I can actually start taking care of things early.

Congrats on your new-found pregnancy and I look forward to conversing with you!


  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I'm due September 9th =)
  • anastasiawildflower
    Yay! I felt like I was one of the only Septembers out there.
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm due mid September! I have my first app in three weeks so I'll know an "official" date then.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    September 29th here!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Due september 28th, morning sickness hitting hard. only 6.5 weeks along. I hope you escape this part :)
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm due September 16th :) 8 weeks along.

    No morning sickness, but very sore boobs, and extreme hungry accompanied by 0 willpower/self control around food. So needless to say I've already gained about 5-7 pounds. Ughhh
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    Due September 20th, but I'll know Thursday after my first u/s if that's a correct estimate.
    Is this everyones first, second, third... ?
    This is my second. I have a two year old boy whose birthday is also September. I am finding that I feel disgusting and bloated constantly, probably due to only craving salty crappy food. I can't wait till I can feel normal or at least start getting excited about the pregnancy. I'm so sick and miserable most of the time I can't seem to get happy. :/
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    September 12th here, 8w5d! Will find out if this date is accurate on March 2 when i go for my ultrasound. This is my 6th (wow) pregnacy but only have 3 children. When i went for my first prenatal and they asked my what pregnancy this was, it took me by surprise that this was #6!!! This will be my husbands first though.

    Health wise i can't complain much, i'm gassy at times, hungry all the time, sore breasts, stretching cramps now and then (usually when i get up to fast), of course tired by 7-8 pm everynight and have put on 2.5 lbs so far. I was still about 40lbs from my healthy BMI when i got pregnant so doctor said i should only gain 11-21 lbs with this pregnancy. I tend to have big babies so worried about how big this one might end up being!

    22y Daughter - 8lbs 14 oz
    16y Daughter - 9lbs 3oz
    14y Son - 10lbs 7oz
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Awesome idea to start this thread! This is my first, and I have no idea what to expect.

    Have you told friends/families yet? My husband and I can't decide when to drop the news.
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    We found out before New Years (very faint line) and were at my brothers so when they asked me why i wasn't drinking, i could only smile. We told my hubbies mom because we wanted to make sure we were the ones to tell her. Every week it seems someone is asking me (or i just spill the beans) and i can't seem to tell them anything different.

    We were trying to keep it quiet until after our ultrasound at 12 weeks (only 3 more to go) because we had a missed mc last July. We found out during an ultrasound at 9w4d that our little one stopped growing at 7w3d but my body was still going through the motions so we had no idea.

    This time around i have noticed some differences in pregnancies so hoping this is a good indication that this one will be successful. Boobs are bigger, hungrier, and hormones are all over.

    Good luck!
  • anastasiawildflower
    We have finally told our parents. My husband's parent's are divorced and very competitive, so the moment we told his dad, the rest of his family was harassing me about our secret. We kept trying to get a hold of his mom to go out for dinner and she kept brushing us off, so we just told her over the phone. As annoying as it was, I am just happy that 1) it is over and 2) my husband isn't as dramatic as the rest of his family.

    To preface, my mom had me when she was 15 and 16 and half years later she had my little brother. So I have an almost 6 year old brother. We went over to dinner at their house and tried to get my brother to say, "I'm going to be an uncle" but that was useless. So as we sat down for dinner, my mom lit the gratitude candle and everyone went around the room to say what they were thankful for. I was last and said, "I'm just thankful that we get the opportunity to make you grandparents." My mom just said, "No you're not. Are you serious? This isn't April fools again?" and my dad yelled at my mom, "What were JUST talking about 10 minutes ago?!" They're awesome.

    So now to tell the grandparents. My grandma is in Florida and my Grandpa is in Arizona, so it'll have to be over the phone. We're going to drop by this week to see his family.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I would seriously wrestle someone for some whole wheat toast with homemade blackberry jam. Cravings, anyone?
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    I would seriously wrestle someone for some whole wheat toast with homemade blackberry jam. Cravings, anyone?

    I crave any and ALL carbs. It's ridiculous. Crackers, cookies, oatmeal, toast, potatoes, etc.
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    I'm not usually a chocolate eater but everyday i usually have some. It used to be carbs that i craved and i'm sure that will kick in but chocolate is what i want now. Anyone have those chocolate covered acia and blueberries? Sooo good!
  • anastasiawildflower
    I can't tell if I am really craving foods or just eating foods I normally wouldn't let myself eat. Mostly, I've been eating a ton more carbs because they seem to be the most readily available food and my energy level is still pretty low. I can't wait to be on the up swing of things.

    I was wondering, at what point do you start using cocoa butter on your stomach? Is it a waste to start now at the end of 11 weeks?
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    I say start as early as you can with the cocoa butter. It didn't help me at all with my last 3 pregnancies (genetics) but some women have gotten away with no stretch marks at all. You may want to look into some kind of oil as well, i think i've heard vitamin E oil is good. The only thing that will help me know is a tummy tuck but i would still have them even after one! Good luck
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    Not much action on this board lately! Hopefully this will bring it back.

    Well I've made it to 11 weeks! I picked up a treadmill in hopes of slowing down the weight gain. I put on 4 lbs in 4 weeks (not counting christmas weight). I have an extra 40 lbs on, so i should only gain about 11-21lbs total. By this rate though, I will be 34lbs plus, not where i want to be but if baby is growing and healthy i guess i will deal with it along the way. I'm finding i have more energy now but my breasts are still sore (will that ever end). Overall feeling pretty good!

    Another week and i will have my first ultra sound. This is my husbands first, so this will be a big moment as it will become real for him at that point.

    I hope all you ladies are feeling fabulous!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    speedyme - I agree, lets bring the board back to life (and congrats to hitting 11 weeks!)

    I had my first ultrasound on tuesday. I still have a bladder infection and when I showed up for the ultrasound, they checked me out and said my bladder wasn't full enough and they couldn't see anything. I got pretty upset so they let me sit in the waiting room guzzling water for an hour. I felt like I was going to pee my pants in the waiting room. It was totally worth it because we got to see the tiny heartbeat, and got confirmation that everything is in the right place.

    Huge sigh of relief for me!

    We are going to tell our parents this weekend, my husband and I are the only ones who know thus far.

    Hope you are all doing well!

    9 weeks
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    Hello Ladies! Hoping all is well with everyone!

    Today i'm 11w5d and feeling pretty good, i have my Nuchal Transluciency scan this Friday. Is anyone else having one? I'm not really worried about it as the only reason they are wanting me to have it is because of my age.

    I was talking to my sister in-law who has children that are around the same age as mine and when we had ultrasounds (over 12 years ago), they never showed us the screen or gave us pictures. We went in, had the ultrasound and at our next appointment the doctor would tell us how things went. So much has changed, i think i know more now than i ever did before. The internet can be a good thing!

    Well looking forward to a great week and i hope you all are having a good one as well!
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Hey Speedyme!

    I had my NT Scan on Tuesday. #1 because my boyfriend's family has health issues and #2 so that I could get another peek at the baby :)

    I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time which was LIFECHANGING! I had seen the heartbeat at 8 weeks, but I wasn't able to hear it back then. This appointment gave me a permanent smile. The baby wouldn't cooperate for a little but for the scan, it kept turning it's back to the "camera" so the tech couldn't measure the back of the neck fold, he made me go in the waiting room and sit for 20minutes to wait for the baby to resposition itself onto it's back. Once I went back in to try the scan again the baby was in the perfect position and everything measured normal :) I was so relieved.

    Of course, they still have to send out my blood for testing and everything, but it was so exciting to see the baby, get a new printout of the little peanut (in my profile pic the baby it's waving it's tiny hand), and hear the heartbeat. Good luck and let us know how yours goes tomorrow!