Im seeing results..what about you?

haj0808 Posts: 51 Member
I'm seeing results ladies what about you?

Measurements before workouts waist 40.5
Hips 50.5
Arms 16 each side
Legs right 31 left 30
Chest 40.25

New measurements
Left legs 29
Right legs 27 3/4
Hips 50
Here's the best one waist...38
Left arm 14
Right arm 15
Chest 41.5..not sure what the hell that is but OK..

I hate Jillian..but I love her..its no joke


  • haruvamp
    hey dear i apologize :( So I feel different when i do jillian. I defiantly have a love hate relationship with her :P
    this week i sad fully haven't been able to do anything because of work... but tomorrow morning i will! >.<....

    ps: i will post my measurements asap :)