Beltane is on the way!

Beltane is a special time for me. Seven years ago, I hand-fasted with my partner of four years. The ceremony was beautiful, with drummers and celebrants in the huge barn hall at Circle Sanctuary. Daggone if it wasn't snowing in Michigan! Selena Fox officiated. We were the honorary Maypole couple and were wrapped in the Maypole ribbons as the dancers wound them about. The King and Queen followed the more traditional male/female couple. It got crowded there toward the end as we all huddled round the base of the pole. We visited Brigid's Well on the property, and had our Besom blessed. We had collected the staff and broom material on our property, and I carved it, and put it together. I just wish we had a video of that weekend.

Do you have any memories of Beltane past?


  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    For me in general, Beltane and Samhain are the strongest ones. I can seriously feel energies changing days before, I am getting al giddy and excited ^^. Always been that way. Where I grew up Beltane aka Walpurgis is celebrated still - although theses days it is rather commercial and a lot of BS. Still, it's hard to explain, there are certain places in the area, where you can feel the energy even more. I just love Beltane. But now, that I am living in the UK, I more often feel drained :s I haven't found my little secret spott of energy here yet
  • AlysonBug
    AlysonBug Posts: 67 Member
    Blissfuldrake that sounds beautiful! I live in Michigan too, and actually our 'mother coven's' high priestess is a part of Circle Sanctuary, from my understanding any how. Her name is Kelly she's lives in Midland. I'm actually excited, I get to meet Selena at ConVocation at the end of the month.

    As for Beltane memories I don't have a lot to speak of. I'm hoping this year our mother coven will be holding an open to the public ritual but not sure yet. It is a beautiful sabbat and I'm looking forward to it, first though Ostara.
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    Beltane is a special time for me. Seven years ago, I hand-fasted with my partner of four years. The ceremony was beautiful, with drummers and celebrants in the huge barn hall at Circle Sanctuary. Daggone if it wasn't snowing in Michigan! Selena Fox officiated. We were the honorary Maypole couple and were wrapped in the Maypole ribbons as the dancers wound them about. The King and Queen followed the more traditional male/female couple. It got crowded there toward the end as we all huddled round the base of the pole. We visited Brigid's Well on the property, and had our Besom blessed. We had collected the staff and broom material on our property, and I carved it, and put it together. I just wish we had a video of that weekend.

    Do you have any memories of Beltane past?

    I would vend at the first festival of the year, I would go to this small festival held on a farm in Connecticut, I would have to do all the lugging of stuff in. Was fun, but after a few years it became difficult for me to attend.
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    Blissfuldrake that sounds beautiful! I live in Michigan too, and actually our 'mother coven's' high priestess is a part of Circle Sanctuary, from my understanding any how. Her name is Kelly she's lives in Midland. I'm actually excited, I get to meet Selena at ConVocation at the end of the month.

    Cool. When you talk to Kelly, tell her I'm Vic's partner...Vic is aka "Mama Vic", "The Rock Lady" and "Rev. Vic". Vic recently had her right knee replaced, and is going to have her left one replaced ASAP. Health allowing, she will be vending at Circle's Beltane event. I may be there with her....for our 8th anniversary!
  • AlysonBug
    AlysonBug Posts: 67 Member
    Oh Wonderful Happy 8th anniversary! I'll mention you and VIc to Kelly next time I see her. Small world we live in, eh?
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    I am trying to lose 15 lbs by Ostara, got 8 more pounds to go.
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    You're doing really, really well! Keep it up, Tiger!
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    My partner and I also handfasted on Beltane, in 2009. We held the ceremony by the lake of Starbridge Sanctuary in the mountains of Georgia. There was a torrential storm the day before and my high priestess kept telling me we needed a back-up plan. I just dug my heels in and said it would clear up. It rained all day, until about an hour before our ceremony when the clouds opened up and the sun came pouring through and quickly dried out the grass.. We wove a maypole and had a wonderful feast with our coven, family, and friends. We always place our anniversary at Ostara 2008, however. That day we were huddled on East Beach on St. Simons Island, freezing in the moonless night on that windy shore and committed to one another, in only the presence of God and Goddess, that we would walk together through this lifetime.