Objectives heading into Week 2



  • irsleepy2
    My 'week two objectives' are to drink more water (I did better with this, but I'm still not drinking as much as I should) and to not let my husbands days off throw me off my diet and exercising. I'm not blaming him, I just tend to eat more and work out less when he's home, and that needs to stop.
  • DawnBeckom
    My goal for week 2 is more excercise. I didn't get any in last week. I did manage to cook more this past week and got some really great recipes from Dashingdish.com! I am excited, but I am struggling with my water intake. I don't think I have gotten a full 16.9 oz bottle down in days. My company has a wellness program that they offer and we start training for 5k's next week (I have MY first 5K on the 18th of Feb., it will be a walking 5K, but it's a 5K), I also have ankle weights I want to start wearing when I am out and about, so the excercise should increase. I did lose last week, but not like I wanted.

    I still do not understand the calorie intake though. It tells me I am not eating enough and when I excercise I am way under. I range between the 1200 and 1600 caloric intake goal. Do I eat more if I excercise? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
  • ReneeOfTheFae
    Could be a glitch in the system. Then again, if you are working out, and the site is subtracting the burned calories from, say, a 1200 calories day, it will think that you're under. Eating back workout calories seems to be an item of confusion around here. Anyway, that could be the reason the site is telling you that you're under. Hope that helps!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Ok, I read correctly this time and my objectives for the WEEK (not the whole month :tongue: )

    - to incorporate more exercise between my running days this week.
    - increase daily water intake - I am doing 8+ glasses regularly but I want to try to get up to a gallon a day this week
    - run the full 20 min on W5D3!!!!
    - experiment with a couple new recipes this week
    - plan more meals ahead of time because we always seem to do everything last minute. I want to take lunch to work rather than even consider going out for lunch and then trying to figure out what I can eat to stay within goal.
    - have a meal plan for next week established so I have a set grocery list when I go shopping this weekend in order to avoid getting things I really dont need - eating healthy is expensive enough sometimes, I dont need to add things to my cart that I dont need.
    - come up with more "make-ahead" items that can be microwaved for those on-the-go times.
  • edsaws
    edsaws Posts: 13
    This week I need to exercise. I couldn't seem to find the time last week. I know I can do better
  • emfnp
    emfnp Posts: 23
    I want to continue with 30ds, even though level 2 may kill me. I. HATE. PLANK. POSITION.
    My big thing is to not stuff my face with everything right after I get home from work. Keep the snacking down!
  • jdeckness
    jdeckness Posts: 22 Member
    My week 2 objectives:
    1) Drink at least 6 glasses of water everyday not just work days.
    2) Drop at least 2 pounds
    3) Stay within 200 Calories of my calorie range everyday not just weekdays.
  • fypspirit
    fypspirit Posts: 109 Member
    I do the same thing. Seems like I am always the most hungry when I get home from work and want to snack on anything insite. Trying to keep this under control by eating a healty snack on my way home from work to take the edge off. Seems to be working so far.
  • Ladylori1975
    Ladylori1975 Posts: 25 Member
    Since I just joined the group this is my week 1 objectives :)

    1) Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day

    2) Decrease my sugar intake

    3) Incorporate one yoga class a week in addition to my cardio and strength training.

    4) Cross train at the gym 5-6 days a week with one complete rest day.

    5) Lose 1-2 lbs or body fat.
  • autovatic
    autovatic Posts: 99 Member
    My goals for Week 2 can be summed up in two words:

    Eat smarter!

    I feel like I did really great on working out this past week, but I was all over the place with eating. I rarely logged food, and between traveling for work and feeling guilty I was either way over or way under (neither being very healthy). Breakfast is really hard for me, because I often forget about it, and skip it, or get really hungry around 9 at work, and eat sausage and potatoes in our caf.

    I'm going to sit down and do some serious meal planning for the week ahead.

    Good luck everyone!