Slightly Vindictive and Mean Spirited ;O)



  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    My favorite thing to do with this knowledge....go to one of those "guess your weight" booths wearing my favorite most slimming outfit...I get a prize EVERY da.mned time! :D

    And also I feel great when they underestimate!!

    I'm totally going to do this.
    Why did I never think of this before?
  • redjen
    redjen Posts: 12
    This is a great thread! Nice to chat to people in the same situation.

    I dance in musical theatre a lot and am forever grateful that an extra 10 pounds quickly gained gets evenly distrubuted and isn't very noticeable when in skimpy outfits. But when one of the 5'0" pocket rockets gains the same its visable straight way!

    People hardly ever beleive that i weigh what i weigh and when they learn i'm trying to ditch 25 pounds they're all 'No way- you'll look like a skelelton!' haha not very likely... Agreed though that it has the reverse effect of when you do lose the weight- the even distrubition of height makes it not very noticeable!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Love this thread!

    I remember being so self conscience growing up because I was so much taller than my classmates. I only compared my weight to theirs, not the fact that I was taller (sometimes by 10 inches). And I wasn't overweight in HS, either.

    Now I embrace my height because it means I can weigh more and I can EAT more. I see so many people on here trying to lose weight and their calories are set at 1200 a day. 1200!?!?! I would pass out from hunger. I'm at 1410 now and some days find it hard to stay under that. When I hit maintenance I will be allowed about 2000 a day....I can't wait! I bet none of those short girls will be able to eat that much for maintenance.
  • jan_andrea
    jan_andrea Posts: 44 Member
    I'm down 53 lbs, and last week I told someone (I think she was 5'6") that I weighed 217. Her eyes got wide and she said "NO WAY! There's NO WAY you weigh that much!!" I was actually rather nonplussed -- that was really light for me (given that I started at 267). This thread is an eye-opener :D I never really thought about average/shorter people having a different reference frame for weight like that. And yeah, with a goal weight of 167 (well into the "healthy" range for 5'11") that may be a lot of women's start weight, but it's going to look good on me :lol: