50+ looking for friends

ninainMA Posts: 10 Member
Hi, I'm over 50 and need to lose about 25-30 lbs so I hope you don't mind if I join in here. Just seems that the younger crowd is into all the extreme fitness programs and/or are moms. I was looking for 50+ friends for support and encouragement with something more in common earlier this week and found this group site.


  • deedeewiita
    Hi....well here I am.....new to this group also, 50+ years old with 50+ pounds to lose. Realistically if I can lose 30 more I will be to the weight I was back in 1994, before I had 2 back surgeries and had the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I am determined to conquer that one. I am happily married with 2 grown children and 2 grandsons. I have struggled with my weight ever since having thyroid cancer back in 1986 when they took out my metabolism (so it seems). N E way I love this website. Everybody is so encouraging. I know I can do it as I have lost 30 pounds from my highest weight back in June 2011.

    So lets encourage one another, be positive, eat right and keep moving. On to better, slimmer selves.
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    I started in janruary and have lost 24 pounds using this tool. I am amazed that I have done this for 3 Months. It has been pretty easy. We look at food as "calories" now and not as food, if that makes sense. Always trying to find more stuff we like that is low in Cals so we can eat more. My husband and I are both doing this and he has lost over 30 lbs so far. Just a couple more to be under the majic 200. We just walk for the exercise part of this and it has helped a lot. Feel so much better allready. My husbands cholesterol has gone down from 238 to 193 and no more pills. You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • ArleneMatches
    ArleneMatches Posts: 17 Member
    My husband promised to join Weight Watchers with me this time (the many other times I joined were hopeless as I was trying to cook for a family who weren't dieting). This time it's different...the kids have flown the coop and himself is also trying to lose weight. We joined WW January 13th and he has lost 12+ and I have lost 17+ pounds....FINALLY, it is working. We are both in our 70's and still have a way to go. I am down under 200 for the first time in years and my hubby is heading that way....YAY for us.....!!!!

    I am on this site because of all the positive reinforcement I see (and read about). Although it is a pain logging into both Weight Watchers E-Tools and MFP it is helping me stay on track.

    Good luck to all the other 50+ dieters....
  • JuliesJourney
    JuliesJourney Posts: 58 Member
    Glad to have you here.
  • Cindieka
    Cindieka Posts: 3
    Hello, girls. I am 52 and want to lose 52 pounds. How ironic is that! Anyway, I have the best diet bud ever, she keeps me on my toes. It makes a difference so find someone strong that can encourage you in a very positively constructive way. Personally, my husband can't be my diet bud because for some reason he attempts to sabotage my efforts by bringing home the items he knows I have no willpower over. Now, when he bring those things home, rather than hurt his feelings, each day I'll throw one cookie or one ice cream bar in the trash. I haven't hurt his feelings and I haven't ruined my efforts for that day. He's also very competitive so if I tell him I've lost 1 pound, he's lost 2: I've lost 3 pounds he's lost 6. You get the point. So now I ask him first how much he's lost and then I tell him I've lost 1 pound less than he has and that seems to keep him happy. MEN! Sorry for the cake in the picture. That's the only picture I have with me in it right now. By the way, the cake looks yummy, but it was horrible if that helps any! HA!
  • crazysquaw51
    Would love to have you add me as a friend,60 and not young but not old, lol......people here are great:flowerforyou:
  • crazysquaw51
    glad to have you add me as a friend, 60, married 2nd time for almost 2 years, one son from 1st marriage. people here are great and very helpful. I also have fiber, I call it FM had it for more then 20 years now, back killing me now, hang in there:flowerforyou:
  • dyanaah
    dyanaah Posts: 9 Member
    I'm over 50 and would love to lose 50 lbs. - I'm a wife and a mother to three great kids and now have two adorable baby boys who are living 1500 miles away from Texas. I now have high Trigylcerides according to my doc as of three weeks ago, so I'm reading more about how a LOW CARB diet is the way to go to lower those numbers. It's been quite a few years since I've eaten low carb but it definately is a filling plan...but I won't lie I miss those nice SWEETS once in a while. Lost 15 pounds so far....between the stomach bug and trying to still eat high protein so that's good news. Hope to get myself into a exercise schedule, just so hard to squeeze this into my busy days running my own business. Happy to be a part of a group finally <3 Diana
  • seadiamond1
    Happy New Year Everyone. I've been on and off MFP for about 5 or 6 months and I've lost 20 pounds. The holidays and the stress of my hubby's job loss has gotten me a bit off track so I'm committed to making new friends that I can partner with to keep on keeping on. I'm 61 with a husband who loves to eat so even though the kids are long gone (I have 3.5 beautiful grandsons!) it can still be a struggle to get food on the table that's nutritious and low calorie for me and satisfying for him. I have 75 pounds to lose and yes, it's daunting, but I've committed myself to living the rest of my life more healthy. I do video walking routines to get extra movement in my otherwise sedentary days. I'd like to partner with someone who will virtually walk with me as well as challenge each other to try new activities.
  • dlmowrey
    Welcome,I'm in the same boat as you, except that I need to loose 50+ pounds. Right now I'm not too motivated, so I don't know how much help I can be, but feel free to add me as a friend, and we'll help each other. I setting my sights on the new year to get started again. I'm suffering with a separated rib, but found that a stability ball helps me get some exercise in while supporting my back. Hope to hear from you, you've some to the right place. There are a lot of great people here to inspire you.
  • eatright2013
    eatright2013 Posts: 12 Member
    Happy New Year Everyone,

    I just joined mfp yesterday. I am looking forward to meeting other people who have the same goals as I do. I am 57 years old. I have 50-75 lbs to lose. My main goal is to become healthier in 2013. I am not very active as my job requires me to sit most of the day. I am hoping to get motivated to walk or do some form of exercise daily. I am looking for people who will join me in this challenge for 2013.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    eatright2013 you've come to the right place!
  • wolfect
    wolfect Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, I just joined yesterday and am excited about getting back in shape this year. I'm 57 and I have about 25-30 pounds to lose, but couldn't find that exact niche, so hope you don't mind I've joined here. I had gotten my weight under control about 9 years ago and was really pleased, but aging and stress seem to have won out as my weight has inched back up. I'd really like to take control of it now and would love any new friends along the way!
  • MDGirlLovesFood
    MDGirlLovesFood Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone! Although I originally started out wanting to lose 50 lbs., for my sake, I am now doing it because I have been denied health insurance because my BMI is over 30! I started with a new company last month that does not provide health benefits, although they do give a stipend toward the cost each month. I started looking for private health insurance plans and to my surprise was denied due to weight! No other medical issues except my blood glucose is 102 and my cholesterol was 208. I've always been into exercising at least 30 minutes a day for 4 days a week. Now I have to really work hard on losing those pounds to obtain the insurance. In essence this is a must do, not a should do. I would appreciate any help or suggestions in losing weight over age 55. I keep my calorie intake under 1500 a day. I've been keeping a journal since I started the first of the year. Best wishes to everyone.
  • qofsheba
    've just rejoined with a goal of losing 50 lbs. I lost almost 20 lbs in 2011 and then stopped and gained it back. Sigh. So now I'm starting to count my food again. I'll weigh in in a few days. I'm 62 and have struggled with weight all my life. I am healthy with good statistics and I exercise regularly, but am tired of being overweight.
  • MDGirlLovesFood
    MDGirlLovesFood Posts: 24 Member
    I've been at this an entire week now... and will continue the rest of my life. Your story with your husband sounds similar to my guy. In the past, every time I tried to lose weight he'd bring something home and I'd be too tempted. I'd be good all week and then those potato chips would show up. They were just sitting there in the pantry waiting to be eaten. Everyday I open the pantry do and almost hear them calling out. That was my mind set. Then I started thinking, seriously thinking that the only person I'm hurting is myself when I do that. I'm the one who has to be accountable. Or so it goes for the new year. I did well going to a fast food place with my sisters. They ordered a meal while I sat there with my coffee. I'm really trying this time. I heard something on TV that made sense to me. If I were to have cancer I would find 3 hours a week for chemotherapy to save my life. Wouldn't I give myself the same 3 hours a week or 30 minutes a day on exercise and putting whole, nourishing foods in my body instead of the toxic things I've been eating. If I don't start now, it will shorten my life. First week of my new lifestyle equals a 1 pound loss. Downer result but on the right track for once.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    MDGirl...slow and steady wins the race...for life! 1lb is fantastic! Just think if you lost 1lb per week for even 75% of the weeks in this year, you'd be almost 40 lbs lighter in January 2014. Add in some exercise and you won't believe how much better you feel. Plus, you'll just have to go shopping for new clothes! Keep up the good work!
  • afb224
    afb224 Posts: 2
    Hi Everyone,

    I just joined today and am looking for some friends and support in my age group. Let's face it we don't have the same issues as a 20 or 30 year old trying to lose weight. My problems both with weight, lack of excersize and life in general belong to a 50 plus person. A little about myself-well like I'm guessing all of you got to lose weight to improve my health. I want to be around to play with my grandkids! I'm getting ready to retire and looking forward to this new and exciting phase of my life.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    afb224, I hope you find MFP helpful and motivating.
  • afb224
    afb224 Posts: 2
    Good Morning All!

    I thought I would start the message board this morning for us. Wanting to start the day on a happy note-traffic was light going in to work this morning. That is always good news! Also very mild here today this weekend we are supposed to get into the 60s. I can handle a winter in the 60s.

    Today my son goes back to school for the second semester. I am going to concentrate on filling the void with something other than food and mindless snacking. Maybe pick up a book or work on some quilting. Or better yet, maybe I should just start cleaning out my crafting area-not as much fun but very necessary!

    May you all have a happy and healthy day today