weightloss methods

iojoi Posts: 378 Member
is anyone using any particular method with any success?


  • eatingmysandshoe
    Nope, just sticking to my daily calories on MFP and doing moderate exercise when time/kids/job allows, and never eating back all of my exercise calories.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I get really bored if I stick to a restrictive diet. Any diet. What works for me is staying within my calorie limit and exercising when I can. When I stop losing, I up my calories for a couple of days then reduce again. From several years of trial and error, this method seems to work for me.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I found if i do one particular method, I get bored, lose motivation and stop trying. So now, I don't restrict anything, just watch the calorie count overall and exercise regularly :bigsmile: works for me!
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    I found if i do one particular method, I get bored, lose motivation and stop trying. So now, I don't restrict anything, just watch the calorie count overall and exercise regularly :bigsmile: works for me!


    I've only been doing this for 1 month, but i feel that by allowing myself to have whatever i want as long as it's within my calorie count then I'm ok. Obviously I'm not going to eat burgers and crap every day, but I do believe 'everything in moderation' Isn't it meant to be a life style change and not a diet!

    good luck. x
  • nixnax
    nixnax Posts: 42
    I am useless at dieting, I just cant stick to things.

    but I found calorie counting so much easier. If i want to gorge on food or have something very naughty to eat (like today i'm going to the gourmet burger kitchen for dinner) then I go to the gym first. I almost earn my naughty food..

    I cant say that this works for me as I've only lost 1lb so far, but I have stuck to it for 2 weeks now so it must be working in a sense :)
  • Monkee_Magic
    Monkee_Magic Posts: 32 Member
    I lost a bit with Slimming World, which my wife is on, but put some of it back. It just doesn't allow me freedom when working. She has done well on it and lost over 2st, but does feel it a bit restrictive at times.

    I find following the guidelines on here is working for me, but I've only been following it for about 6 weeks now. It does allow me the freedom to 'indulge' if I need to but still keep within a regulated amount. Though I do try to ensure that mostly good quality food is entered, but it means I don't feel as restricted as my wife sometimes does say if we go out for an evening. It is a lot easier to see my emotional eating patterns too, but also let them play out a little without breaking my calorie limit.

    That said she has done very well with Slimming World and the guidelines obvisouly work in conjunction with the calorie management on MFP, she has said that managing calories will probably be her next step, though at the moment she is more confortable with not really weighing or measuring that much. Part of the success is motivation, but also something that works with your lifestyle now or how you want it to be. Good luck.