February check in

77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
My first week of February was pretty awesome. I'm finally going back to work after almost 2 months off. Work usually means I am more organized about what I eat but have less time to exercise. Fortunately, I am still getting my exercise time in. I am loving the fruit challenge although it can make it hard to stay under calories, but it reminds me to have fruit instead of a half muffin.

I think the scale is ready to move -- wait for it .....

Water 7/7
Fruit 7/7
New fruit -- blueberries these aren't new, but I haven't had them in forever! (well months)
Exercise 6/3 (wow, that impresses me)


  • clairelane1982
    Hi all.. I too am having a great feb... Have lost 4lbs since start which is cool with me its looking like i might exceed my goal weight for these challenges for fist time ever. Woop Woop...

    Keep it up peeps.x
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    I am set to ROCK the fruit this week! I went to the Farmer's Market this morning and got a new fruit for each day of the week.
    Today -- strawberries -- I haven't had any since last August!

    I also got a pink grapefruit, a weird-looking pear, a pomegranate (haven't had one since I was a kid), and a blood orange (surfrgrl keeps making me want one - I've never tried them). I also have some blackberries in the freezer, and I plan to steal a tangerine or two from the neightbor (I'd ask for one but stealing is so much more fun, lol).

    Now, back to watching my new DVD! Edward and Bella just arrived at Isle Esme.:tongue::love: :heart: :blushing:
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    The second week has been great! On the scale, I am seeing numbers in the 150's for the first time in decades, seriously! :bigsmile: I might just make my goal this month!:happy:

    I am loving the fruit challenge. I try something new every day instead of just having my apple a day.
    Oh, I realized why I never eat pomegranates -- although they are yummy, they are too much trouble.
    BTW, surf, thanks, the blood orange was yummy!

    Drinking water is getting a bit easier, but this challenge keeps me drinking the full 8 galsses.

    Loving my exercise. I hate when I can't exercise -- now, that is a HUGE change for me. Before this, I hadn't liked exercise since I was in junior high.

    Happy second half of February:flowerforyou: -- the month of love and Breaking Dawn DVD.:heart:
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I've been disappointed in myself. :ohwell: I have been eating back all HRM exercise calories, and scale is going the wrong way. That said, this girl is going to stop eating all those exercise calories and see if this improves. When I thought I was burning a measley 125 per workout, I was okay with eating them back, but i'm working out longer these days and the HRM gives me far more credit than mfp ever did. What is the saying, adapt improvise overcome? Well that's me the second half of February.

    All that whining aside, I have increased my workouts immensely and have a 5k on Saturday. So this month hasn't been a total bust.:smooched:
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    I've been disappointed in myself. :ohwell: I have been eating back all HRM exercise calories, and scale is going the wrong way. That said, this girl is going to stop eating all those exercise calories and see if this improves. When I thought I was burning a measley 125 per workout, I was okay with eating them back, but i'm working out longer these days and the HRM gives me far more credit than mfp ever did. What is the saying, adapt improvise overcome? Well that's me the second half of February.

    All that whining aside, I have increased my workouts immensely and have a 5k on Saturday. So this month hasn't been a total bust.:smooched:

    Yvonne, you have been working out Sooooo much more in February! You are killing this. Your HRM is probably just kissing up to make itself indispensible -- like mirror, mirror and the scale, that HRM is not above lying.
  • clairelane1982
    Hi all.. I too am having a great feb... Have lost 4lbs since start which is cool with me its looking like i might exceed my goal weight for these challenges for fist time ever. Woop Woop...

    Keep it up peeps.x
    Well, the above got totally ballsed up.... Have had several issues these last couple of weeks so have been awol..... Plus with TOM have managed to gain 10lbs Am not happy at all....... But family always come first.... Now things have settled down a bit I can get on track again with diet and exercise... I am actually looking forward to coming back. Bring it on ladies.x
  • fluffytuf
    77tes, Costco will sometimes carry packages (2 tubs each) of the Pomegranates "pips"; much easier to eat. I've also bought POM pomegranate juice but can't remember if any added sweetener to that. You are doing such a good job.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    77tes, Costco will sometimes carry packages (2 tubs each) of the Pomegranates "pips"; much easier to eat. I've also bought POM pomegranate juice but can't remember if any added sweetener to that. You are doing such a good job.

    I just noticed pomegranate pips at the grocery store. I'll have to check them out.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Checking in for a minute. I'm 1.2 pounds away from the goal I set for this month, but only 0.46 away from the first goal I set for myself which was lose 10% of my starting weight. I think I'll keep setting the goal on my ticker as 10% less each time, that way It won't seem as overwhelming. Saying "I have 28 pounds to goal" felt much more obtainable to me than saying "I need to lose 140 pounds"
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    Checking in for a minute. I'm 1.2 pounds away from the goal I set for this month, but only 0.46 away from the first goal I set for myself which was lose 10% of my starting weight. I think I'll keep setting the goal on my ticker as 10% less each time, that way It won't seem as overwhelming. Saying "I have 28 pounds to goal" felt much more obtainable to me than saying "I need to lose 140 pounds"

    That is an impressive landmark -- bask in the sunlight of your success!:bigsmile:
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    I'm hoping to see the goal tomorrow around 4pm when I get to the gym & change into my swimsuit
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    post gym check in. 250.6. 28 pounds from starting weight, 10,1% of body weight gone never to return. I think that's close enough to say that I also made my end of month goal :)
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    Overall, February was great for me. :bigsmile: I exceeded my goal for the month, and I am getting close to my final goal. In fact, I moved my ultimate goal down a couple of pounds and adjusted my settings so that I'll only be losing a half pound a week. Now, my calorie allotment is so high, I can't imagine that I'll lose any weight, but I'll give it the month of March as an experiment. I need to slow down my weight loss, or I won't fit into my new small clothes.

    I loved the Fruit challenge, but I'm glad it is over because I am OUT of new fruit choices. But, I hope that I'll be a little more adventurous in the fruit department.

    Started Feb. 162
    Ended Feb. 155.5
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    post gym check in. 250.6. 28 pounds from starting weight, 10,1% of body weight gone never to return. I think that's close enough to say that I also made my end of month goal :)

    That is an IMPRESSIVE accomplishment!!! Congratulations!:drinker:
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Such great accomplishments this month! Good job everyone!

    I didn't get below 160 as I had planned, had a plateau, ate too many of my HRM exercise calories back, and now, my sweet tooth seems to have developed a sweet tooth of its own.

    Enough said about the eating, on to the subject of exercise
    ..... I burned up the exercise this month, more than I have ever exercised in my lifetime!! I have been striving to walk for an hour each time I go out. I worked out 22 of 29 days. 1051 minutes. That truly has got to be a record for me.

    Looking forward to the March challenge, oh yah, better get to deciding what we are going to do! Mindy, Twi, Stacy, HELP!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I've been a bad Team Twilight member this month. I haven't been posting in the group very much :blushing: though I did try to work out more and that took up some of my MFP time. Had about a week of going over calorie goal too darn much and that didn't help me in February at all. With the help of the stomach bug I MIGHT hit my monthly weight goal in the morning. I purposely didn't log this morning's weight because I knew I was dehydrated and it wasn't a true reflection. Will update tomorrow.

    As for March challenge ideas, I am at a loss. Maybe something simple with the Irish Coven theme like 77tes suggested in another thread?
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    I finally updated the spreadsheet. It would be so much easier to keep up with it weekly. This has not been the best month for me. My mom's been in the hospital and now my sister is seriously ill. I was surprised at how many minutes I did rack up. I didn't do the best with my food but I maintained, which is pretty much where I am now. I wouldn't mind losing another 4-5.
    I'm sorry I haven't been very active here. Life is crazy right now. Thanks for Febs challenge and I can't wait to find out what is in store for March.
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    Sorry, I was also absent for a lot of my February check-ins. Between my son's health and my husband's return from his deployment, it was a rougher month than I would've liked. Congrats everyone to your successes in Feb!