One of those days...

skywa Posts: 901 Member
So i weight myself this morning after breakfast as i always do and i've gained. I am not use to this. I am disappointed. I thought i was doing everything right. I'm eating enough. I'm working out A LOT. I am pushing myself harder than ever towards a healthy weight loss journey and here am, staring at the scale and number is higher than i'd like it to be and it hurts.

I feel horrid. I am bloated today. I keep poking at my lower belly and pulling at the fat there. Over and over again. Disgusted. I can see every ounce i magically gained over night. Every accursed ounce. I am disgusted with myself. I work out anyways. I eat clean. I work out again. I am sore. I don't want to eat anymore, but the hubby will make me anyways.

What a fat f**k i am.

Today is just one of those days. Lets hope tomorrow is different.


  • seekingthepatienceofjob
    Im sorry :( I know how that feels like! Im dreading weigh in tomorrow because of it! :sad:

    I hope you have a better day tomorrow
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hang in there. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. :-)
  • flyawaybyebye
    I feel this way whenever I see a gain, and yet, I know I need to gain. I totally feel you. I hope tomorrow is better, hon.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    thanks guys. i won't weight in till monday and hope for the best.