When did you decide to become a Runner?

I was reading a book by Dean Karnazes and ran across this quote:

‎"Every devout runner has an awakening. We know the place, the time and the reason we accepted running into our life."

This is totally true for me. I decided on August 2, 2010, while I was sitting at my desk at work. I did it to see if I could run a half marathon and two months to the day later, I proved that I could.

When did you decide?


  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    Back in high school I joined cross country as a way to meet people since I didn't play any team sports. Gave it up after running a couple of years and had my high school group of friends. Fast forward to when I hit 29, I decided I better step up my workouts to keep my weight in check. That's when I ran my first road race, and haven't stopped. In fact I expanded into doing triathlons, since I was getting bored just running.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I started to think about it when I read "Run Like a Mother". But I didn't have the physical fitness to do it yet then, was going through a lot of depression and fatigue. The following December when I started getting some exercise in on the wii, and started to get some energy back, I really started to work towards it. Actually started running outside in the following May (last year).
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    I've been running since I was 19, but it wasn't until 11 years later that I decided to try a race and I ran my first 10K for my 30th birthday. I don't think I decided "to become a runner" then though. In fact, I seem to recall telling people that if I ever said I'm doing that again to please talk me out of it. The following year I did my next 10K and I think that's when I knew I was a runner. I've been increasing my distance ever since (18 miles is my longest to date) and run way more than I ever have. It's completely in my blood!
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 295 Member
    I started running last Fall for health reasons. However, I truly went into it after watching someone finish an Ironman on TV. I want to be that person, one day. I want to feel that sense of accomplishment.
    Nothing will stop me. My 1st 10 K is in May... so excited :)
  • MsRaeJ
    MsRaeJ Posts: 16
    Mine was when I completed my first marathon 5 years ago. I had ran a few 5Ks with my sister (I laugh now at how hard they seemed back then), but running was a chore....something I had to do to get in shape. She talked me into signing up for a marathon. We were so naive! I didn't know the first thing about distance running and didn't have any interest in signing up, but after the hubby made a crack along the lines of "YOU? Run a marathon? ha ha" I signed up out of spite. The training runs were hard and long and I think I hated almost every minute of it. After I crossed the finish line I was filled with a euphoria that has only been surpassed by giving birth to my 3 boys. It made all the early mornings, chaffing, blisters, hours on my feet, nasty gels, and exhaustion worth it. It was in the first few days after my race, when I was taking some time off to recoop, that I noticed I would see another runner outside and I was positively itching to get back out there! I WANTED to run, when did that happen? Now I have several distance races under my belt and I can't imagine a life without running, I'm a different person now.....running has helped define me :).
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I don't think I ever decided. I just started running one day, and it happened :wink:
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I was training for my first half Marathon. It was mid-February (two years ago), cold, rainy...basically no one would ever want to be voluntarily outside right then. But I had a 5 miler to run, in the dark. And I damn well did it.

    It was the best run I've been on ever, no contest. I wish I could replicate that night every single time!
  • trlrnrgrl
    Wow, good question. I've never really thought about it. But I'd have to say it was when I was about 12. I've always loved running and ran track and field in Jr. High and HS. But I remember one day during a workout thinking nothing compared with the feeling of running as fast as you can - it made me feel free, strong, and happy. Nowadays, I'm more of a penguin runner (though these 40 yr old legs can still move pretty fast on a speed workout!), and I enjoy plodding along on the trails. A mom of a 3 yr old active little boy, I now enjoy running for the peace and quiet instead of the speed.
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member
    I don't think I ever decided. I just started running one day, and it happened :wink:

    Me too. I feel like a gradually became a runner, I'm not sure I remember a distinct moment when I became one!
  • tjalt
    tjalt Posts: 24 Member
    Mine was at the end of June 2009. I had been on heavy medications for 6 years after a bout of post-partum psychosis and then being diagnosed bipolar. I had begun to feel like crap. Had no energy to even get through the days. Was depressed beyond belief and had gained a ton of weight. I knew I felt awful because of all the ridiculous meds. So, with the help of a great doctor, I got off ALL my meds and he encouraged me to find something that was just for me. It was then that I decided to run. I have never looked back.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    2009. My bff of 20 years registered me for my first 5k. It was also the day I decided being fat was no longer for me because dang it that run was HARD. It was hard because I was so fat. I restarted C25k for about the 3rd time after that race. I haven't looked back since.

    and a shameless plug... if you want to see where my running has gone visit my blog..
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    2009. My bff of 20 years registered me for my first 5k. It was also the day I decided being fat was no longer for me because dang it that run was HARD. It was hard because I was so fat. I restarted C25k for about the 3rd time after that race. I haven't looked back since.

    and a shameless plug... if you want to see where my running has gone visit my blog..
    shameless plug: you are awesome.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I never really decided, I just was. As a kid as young as I can remember I was always running and trying to get anyone who would to race me.

    Ran all the way thru college, but then I did take a lengthy break from it. Started going on runs a littlre more often once I hit 30, and about 3 years or so ago really got back into it.
  • mlachance9
    mlachance9 Posts: 49 Member
    I started to think about it when I read "Run Like a Mother".

    I love that book! It's what got me wanting to try a half marathon last spring and this spring I'm now training for #'s 4 & 5. They also have a facebook page that is worth checking out.

    The main thing that got me back to running is 2 years ago I signed up for a 5k program through the YMCA to say yes I can run again (after having 2 kids). And now I love it and love the half marathon distance.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Last year I decided to try the C25K app that I had previously downloaded on my phone...I really didn't have an interest in running (my whole life I loudly professed to anyone that would listen that I HATED running) but I was getting bored of my workouts. Somewhere in that 1st-2nd week I became hooked and I've never looked back. I ran my 4th 5k two days ago (<--- I'm on the right in the pic!) and I think I'm going to start training for a half.
  • flvsusandy
    flvsusandy Posts: 63 Member
    I restarted couch to 5k in 2010 with a friend and from there we began running and signing up for a lot of 5k races! It became a lot of fun and we made a pact that we would run a marathon before we turned 40.....well now here we are at 30 and we are on week 8 or marathon training!! First marathon will be happening in April!!!
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    Another one "it just happened". I started running to shed those last few lbs and before I new it I wanted to see if I could run 3 miles straight, then 5, then a half mary, and now a full.

    Running has become such a part of me, a part of my identity that I think I'd be lost without it. It's my release, my me time, a place where there is nothing but my thoughts and solutions.

    Also LOVED "Run Like A Mother"!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    In February 2009 I bought a jogging stroller because I wanted to exercise without "mommy guilt". I did it originally out of necessity that became an obsession. After my second baby I started the couch to 5k program (I had been on major restrictions during my pregnancy, way out of shape), did my first 5k in May 2011 and am now training for a half. I feel so powerful when I run, it's truly a release.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I always wanted to be a runner. I'd see people running and they just looked like they were enjoying themselves. When I started to lose weight, I started with a kettlebell. I had a friend who was running at 12k and she told me I had several months to train. Another work relationship, had ran a marathon - and she was a heavier girl. So - I took off one day after doing kettlebell work for over 9 months, to see if I could run - my first run out, I went 3 miles, easy, no walking. I knew if I could do 3 miles, I could do the 12k in 3 more months. So I started training, it was the year I turned 40. I wanted to set a goal for myself to accomplish something at 40 that I'd never dreamed of before. I completed my first marathon 2 weeks after I turned 40.
  • BKR1977
    BKR1977 Posts: 43 Member
    As soon as I saw my engagement pics in '04. I noticed i was looking like "Fat Chandler (friends reference)." Had to do something about it. I thought 15 minutes was an accomplishment then and never would dream of a 5k. I was not really out of shape either, just not a runner.