5 Days Down Report Card

fjsutton Posts: 60 Member
:happy: Challengers,

Post your Results: successes and struggles. How are you doing meeting your daily/weekly goals. Do you feel you're on track to your 100 day goal? Let us know. post below and check back to see your fellow challengers stories. Give and Receive advice, tips, and most important of all encouragement! We're in it together! :happy:


  • fjsutton
    fjsutton Posts: 60 Member
    For the past 5 days i have met my daily commitments. I have been under my calories goal each day and burned at least 300 calroies each day. Thursday i almost didn't make the 300 calorie burn.. I missed my workout class. But i decided i would do the workout class moves at home and i did. I actually did them in the livingroom during Grey's Anatomy. My husbad was so proud. I'm loving the feeling of accomplishment at the end of each day. it is such an amazing feel it's an NSV in and of itself.
  • mkam1980
    mkam1980 Posts: 142 Member
    I was faithful on the logging and got a workout in everyday (even the long crazy days.) I don't feel as though any weight has come off because TOM is expected tomorrow. My weigh in is also tomorrow, I don't expect as lose, however, I have stuck to my "new life rules" so I am proud. I also realize this isn't a race, but rather a journey. Everyone keep up the GREAT work. We can DO IT!
  • gem_cat
    gem_cat Posts: 62 Member
    I lost 2 pounds. i am now 154.

    I started 30 day shred this week and have been really faithful to my calorie intake. I got worried today though coz I havent been eating 1200 (my goal intake), I'm eating less. i decided to have a cheat day next week to keep off starvation mode.

    i know i can do this. sometimes i just want to get lazy but in the end, I remember my 100 day goal so i get up and work my butt off.
  • mkam1980
    mkam1980 Posts: 142 Member
    I lost 2 pounds. i am now 154.

    I started 30 day shred this week and have been really faithful to my calorie intake. I got worried today though coz I havent been eating 1200 (my goal intake), I'm eating less. i decided to have a cheat day next week to keep off starvation mode.

    i know i can do this. sometimes i just want to get lazy but in the end, I remember my 100 day goal so i get up and work my butt off.

    You go girl!!! Wonderful news. Question: since you said you are eating 1200 calories, does that mean you are not eating your workout calories back?
  • ajenkins1975
    I am down 3.4 pds this week. I have exercised everyday whether it is for my 5k training or circuit training. I have found that since I have been doing this for three weeks now and take off one day a week for exercise, I find that I am motivated to get my exercise in for the day. I never used to exercise and now I feel like I can't live without it. I stick to eating right around my calorie intake that I am suppose to and I just feel GREAT!
  • lindseykp
    I am down 2.5 pounds this week. I didn't workout as much as I wanted to because I was sick. I was starting to feel a bit week and tired, not sure if it was from eating less or from being sick. I ate more calories on Valentine's day and the next day I was feeling so much better, so i think I was low on calories! I just bought a Jillian Michaels DVD and did that last night. It's an intense workout but only 20 min plus warm up and cool down for a total of 24 min. Seems too short, but it's pretty hard!!!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • SkinnyShadow
    SkinnyShadow Posts: 106 Member
    Well, although my MFP doesn't show it, I've lost just around 5 lbs. I wasn't logging in here, and totally fell off the wagon for a while, and went right back up to 228.something... I just refused to BE THERE again, do I didn't put the scale back. lol I was like Nope, I'm going down and then some, so whatever. :P And here I am back at 222.6 this morning, so yay. (BESIDES, when I started this app I was 239 lbs, and for some reason I'm not getting credit for the loss, so Psh! whatever lol) I could have done better - I cheated on my son's Bday, and valentines, but other than that I've been a good girl lol. I have taken time every day to meditate.. some days only five minutes, but hey, it all counts. I've been working out every day... and I'm sore, but it's so worth it :) Bahaha, I just found out sneezing hurts my stomach :P
  • meldickman
    I have logged in everyday, exercised most days but Valentines day did me in. I will keep plugging along and stick with the 100 days! I am sure I will see results if I stick with it!
  • skinnybitch0178
    skinnybitch0178 Posts: 12 Member
    I have been exercising 5 days a week (sometimes 6) and watching what I eat. I don't really call cheating "cheating" as long as its in moderation its okay. So far, I've lost 6 lbs in a month my blood pressure has gone from 150's over 90's on meds to 110/52 on meds. He wants to see me in 2 months and feels I will be able to come off one or both my blood pressure meds!!!! This is what its all about....getting HEALTHY....losing weight and looking great is just the bonus!