
I used to run (Years ago) when I could without passing out! Would love to start again. Any suggestions as how to start again??? Without having a heart attack please! I currently walk but would love to go a step further......:glasses:


  • beanmaker
    Hi Ivorygill,

    I am not an athlete at all myself but have had stints of playing team sports and getting fitness levels improved in fits and starts.
    since Christmas this year i started back running and am progressing well.

    My advice would be to just run as slow as you can for as long as you can! after that if you keep with it you'll begin to feel the improvements, distance and speed will come after that.

    I am up to running 8.5 miles now and i have some great runs and then some outright horrific ones!!
  • chocaholic38
    Have a look at C25K (couch to 5K) - it's a brilliant programme, easy to use by any one regardless of fitness level or weight. You can download it to your ipod/iphone. You do 3 jogs/runs per week, each session lasts 30mins - week 1 you walk for 5mins to warm up then jog for 1 min walk for 1 minute x 8 and then 5min walk to cool down - week two you do six jogs of 1 1/2 mins and so on and it slowly builds you up. I was NEVER a runner/jogger, I'm about 4 stone overweight and Ive just finished week 6 and jogged non stop for 25mins - when I look back to week 1, the thought of jogging for more than a minute at a time was impossible and yet 6 weeks later I can do 25mins non stop - I'm not saying it's easy but I don't need an ambulance on standby either - it's well worth a try - let me know how you get on and good luck

    p.s. if you have a sense of humour, get the book called "run fat ***** run" - it's very funny and there's a programme for running in that too
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    I definitely recommend the C25K that was mentioned here before. I've used it and built my stamina up to half marathon distances.

    Have a look at the irish runner's group too.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    I'm doing c25k and I could barely do the first run but I love it now! Training for the mini marathon in June and hopefully 3/4 marathon in athlone in oct/nov
  • NikkySH
    NikkySH Posts: 6
    Hi ivorygill,

    Couch To 5k is a good start - nice and gradual. If you have an ipod there are some good podcasts that play music and tell you when to speed up and slow down. This guy is supposed to be quite good:

    I don't know if you're in Dublin, but there are a few classes you can join. Personally, I joined a group called ForgetTheGym a year ago and did their BeginToRun class. It brought me from not being able to run down the road to running a half marathon, but most importantly I love it. I have never looked back and I am definitely their biggest fan!!
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    I was never a runner only started about 3 weeks ago! I can only agree with the c25k programme! Also, I've joined the local fit4life group, they do running track sessions several times a week and that's for every level runner!

    I went from not being able to run 2 minutes to running 21 minutes on Monday night - in 3 weeks and I didn't want to vomit when I finished!!! And if I can do that, so can you!!!