New week! Is everyone doing a low carb day today?

Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
I am so happy for this low carb day. I was in St. Louis over the weekend. I am glad it was my free day but I took it a lot too far and just feel awful today. My tummy is not happy with me at all. I am looking forward to good choices and tons of water today. I didn't do my shaper yet. I may fit that in later today. My tummy did not agree with me this morning. I wasn't about to do a bunch of sit ups. Gah! Have a great day all! :wink:


  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I'm totally ready, I think?

    I've been on high carb for 9 days can imagine where my cravings have gone. I am going to see how this 5th week goes and if it isn't a big change then I won't be doing a full high carb week unless I'm plateaued.

    There are just too many temptations those days.:ohwell:

    Not that I love low carb, but I seem to be able to control myself better.

    I've been doing my "shapers" at night with my shredders. I'm up to 7 a day starting today.

    How many calories are you eating on low and high carb days? I'm at 1500 and 1800
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    I am trying to follow that Kat. I haven't been good about logging. Gah.
  • lisar514
    lisar514 Posts: 7 Member
    I just ordered Chris' book today - once I get it, read it then I will be joining you guys. I hope we can get a really good, supportive group going here.

    My background:
    I did Atkins back in 2004 and lost 50 lbs then switched to Wt Watchers and lost an additional 20 lbs
    I was a very slow loser and it took me forever but I never gave up
    I have been trying to lose another 20-30 lbs for the last 4 years and have had no success - I think being 48 years old with hypo-thyroid really hinders my efforts.

    I exercise 2-3 times a week, mostly cardio, but I am going to try and phase in some weights/resistance training, too.
  • YES Low carb today!!! YEAH! Although I am craving some starch... UGH...
    Just sat down to a bowl of cottage cheese with red peppers to dip!

    I have not done well the past couple of days as I am getting frusterated! This will pass hopefully I am sure! I NEED to stick to this for the next 3 weeks... I MUST!
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    YES Low carb today!!! YEAH! Although I am craving some starch... UGH...
    Just sat down to a bowl of cottage cheese with red peppers to dip!

    I have not done well the past couple of days as I am getting frusterated! This will pass hopefully I am sure! I NEED to stick to this for the next 3 weeks... I MUST!

    You can TOTALLY do it!
  • Thanks... I guess I am just so frusterated with all the hard work I put into this.... all the workouts, the eating heatlhy, etc.... With no results... YES, I am sure my insides are healthy... but why no weight loss!! GRRR

    Actually I know that answer... I am close to goal, My body is at it's set point, and I am getting older... HOWEVER, I think I should be able to lose 1 pound a month damn it!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Thanks... I guess I am just so frusterated with all the hard work I put into this.... all the workouts, the eating heatlhy, etc.... With no results... YES, I am sure my insides are healthy... but why no weight loss!! GRRR

    Actually I know that answer... I am close to goal, My body is at it's set point, and I am getting older... HOWEVER, I think I should be able to lose 1 pound a month damn it!

    I'm wondering if you are eating enough. All the activity you do?
  • I wish that was the case... I set my level at 1200 and eat (usually) all my exercise cals.. I am typically NEVER under 2000. Today I will not be able to eat them all.. low carb day and I will burn around 1500 cals.
    I am in school for sports science right now, so I know I am doing everything right... I just don't know why it doesn't work with me...
    BUT like I said, I will keep at this plan for a few weeks.. I could live this plan for life actually... to me it isn't a diet... just a way to think about carbs/proteins...
  • Another things... I am very hormonally unbalanced apparently, due to wacky periods and such... I wish that one of my docs would refer me to an endo. doc... but they want to wait and see what happens after hyst next month...
    Not sure it is going to make a difference, I will still have PMS stuff...
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    So beyond the hormone issues...maybe don't eat back all of your exercise calories, maybe half and see if it changes.

    I know all the exercise you do can totally screw with your monthly. Mine cuts down from 7 days to 2 when i'm really active.

    On a side note, My sister's monthly was all screwed up and would just go away for 6 months etc....she ended up having a non cancerous (they think) tumor on her pituitary that effects the prolactin level in your body. It took them 3 years to figure that out. They hadn't done the blood work to check that level. They had done work on other things but not that specifically. She was sent to a endo once that was discovered.

    I know when I lost 83 lbs, I never ate back my exercise calories I ate at maintenance for the weight I wanted to be and never ate them back. I was burning 500-600 a day. I know you burn more so maybe half would be better.

    I know it's frustrating and I know you are trying to get it off before surgery.:flowerforyou:
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Terrible eating day yesterday. Dam cookies and cupcakes for Valentime's for my kiddos. Gah. Back on it today. Have a great day all.
  • Most days I can't possibly eat them all back... there are usually tooo many...
    I know I am typically at a 600+ calorie deficit... I would think that I could lose a couple pounds a month... IN FACT I am back up.. again... GRRR!!!

    I think I will set my cals at 1800 no matter what I workout and go from there... I can't eat less than that... I would starve... I don't know how those people eat 1200 a day... I just know it can't be healthy...

    There are tons of things I have learned in my classes at school... all things I follow... but still no weight loss...

    My periods have been long and crazy since I got back my flow 5 years ago when I quit nursing my last baby....
    They have gotten weirder and weirder... typically 8-12 days long... lots of spotting days, which are getting redder and redder... (used to be the brown spotting), a couple heavy to med days and then it is GONE.. for a day, (we call this SUPRISE SEX DAY!) and then it comes back light for about 2 days...
    Hmmm... I do think I need to see an endo. doctor. Things just don't seem right to me...
  • Example, my net right now is 664... I could eat over 500 cals still... I won't. I do need a high fiber thing before bed... my god I feel backed up.. (sorry TMI) I typically am a great GO'ER, but lately not so much... UGH!
  • boyz4us
    boyz4us Posts: 42 Member
    I know this thread hasn't been posted on for awhile but would love to see some activity. I just started Choose to Lose today and am on a low carb day. Unfortunately slept in (I'm on vacation) so I am behind the time on eating and getting all meals in-I think I will end up missing a snack today (morning probably since I didn't eat breakfast until 9:45!).
  • I would love to get some meal/snack ideas. I really am at a loss for what to eat for five meals a day!
  • Lilholstein
    Lilholstein Posts: 6 Member
    I am just finishing up the book and need to start meal planning to begin on Sunday. I would love some meal ideas too if anyone has any!!! Friend me so we can share tips and keep each other motivated and on track!!
  • socalbabe81
    socalbabe81 Posts: 4 Member
    I just ordered my book today so I will be starting this program in the next week or so, I can't wait, do I will be looking for ideas and support, and giving as well :)
  • luis1984
    luis1984 Posts: 15 Member
    Did anybody found themselves losing the first week on the chose to lose and week two losing only half of a pound or not losing any? that happened to me. I do my shappers on my low cab days first thing in the morning and do my shreeders six days a week at night, I am 5'10 and eat 1500 on my low carb and 2000 on my high carb, I also walk two miles while I am work. I dont seem to understand that due to the deficit just by eating alone, I should be losing 2.5lbs and with the exercise I should be losing close to 4lbs a week. I dont understand why, I mean it would be different if I didnt lose any the first week but losing on the first week and not losing on the second week makes no sense. does anyone have a clue? maybe my body is growing muscle and therfore it doesnt seem to budge the weght? I am frustrated because I think this is the est plan I ever found diet wise