totally new to gf

janac777 Posts: 22 Member
so on friday at my doc he has me going off gluten dairy and soy. my inflamatory system or something like that is bad?? plus wanting to lose weight. i have not felt well for several years and have had really bad back problems. so i have lost almost 2 pounds already and am experiencing vegetables that i have never eaten before. o and he also put me on some supplements. so far i think im feeling better. gluten free and soy free and dairy free is super hard especially when we go out!! any advice would be greatly appreciated!!


  • samanthalynndr
    going gluten and dairy free was one of the best things that ever happened to me. yes its hard but you will amazed by how quickly you feel better. i didn't even realize some of the way that i felt (bloated, fatigued, etc) weren't normal! in terms of going out to restaurants, if we're going to a new place i check the menu beforehand. you'd be surprised at how many places have dedicated GF menus. also, a lot of restaurants will make accommodations for you if you ask.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    You can do it! What do you need help with?

    Lots of fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, seeds, clean meats if you eat it. There's still lots you can eat. I am not soy free, but I am vegetarian, grain-free, dairy-free, with some allergies. Tell us what you need.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    Once you get used to the gluten free diet, as well as the other items you shouldn't eat, you will find lots to eat when you go out... If in doubt, I get a grilled chicken salad and all is good.....
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    It's the best thing I have ever done. I feel like a new woman. Please feel free to add me, and never hesitate to ask questions when you have them. I will be glad to help you where I can. We also have a gluten free group. It's called Gluten Free. Lots of wonderful people there to walk you through this. They certainly have helped me tremendously.

    What ever you need help with, please don't hesitate to ask. We are here for you.
  • janac777
    janac777 Posts: 22 Member
    thanks for the support :) ok so my husband just said we r gonna go to tony romas on friday for our valentines. so by everyones posts it looks like if i just continue what i do at home when i go out i should be ok. altho i am finding that alot of things have soy that i didnt even realize. so if i keep to plain without sauces?? that seems boring. does anyone get bored with eating just meat and veges and fruit???
  • sfh0wrd
    I'm also totally new to gf! My husband and I did gf for a couple weeks a few months ago as a part of a cleanse, and we both had immediate "this is awesome!" feelings. But, at the time we were living with his parents and it was pretty tough to stick with it long term. But now we're out on our own again, and ready to try it again.

    Neither of us are medically required to lay off the gluten, but we just loved how we felt while we were doing it. I'm really excited by this post because of all the supportive responses! I feel like this will be a good environment to find ideas and some borrowed dedication.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Well I don't eat meat either, so . . . actually no! I love to eat and I like to cook and if I can't eat something, I'll come up with another way to make it. International cuisines are great, a lot more focus on real ingredients instead of processed.

    As for Tony Romas, check their menu online, and then call the chef to see what he can do for you. If the sauces all have gluten or soy in them, maybe he can do a dry rub or something like that. I just looked at their salads, and something like this is not boring:

    Tenderloin & Fire Roasted Vegetable Salad
    Grilled beef tenderloin, wild mushrooms, roasted grape tomatoes, artichoke hearts, red pepper, red onion and crisp eggplant piled on a bed of fresh greens, topped with rosemary bacon and Bleu cheese crumbles. Served with balsamic Dijon vinaigrette.

    Just ask for it without the cheese, and double-check the dressing ingredients.


    thanks for the support :) ok so my husband just said we r gonna go to tony romas on friday for our valentines. so by everyones posts it looks like if i just continue what i do at home when i go out i should be ok. altho i am finding that alot of things have soy that i didnt even realize. so if i keep to plain without sauces?? that seems boring. does anyone get bored with eating just meat and veges and fruit???
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    I join in with the others. Going dairy free, gluten free and in my case egg free was one of the best decisions of my life. I feel soooo much better.

    There are lots of gluten free menus out there I've found eating at a "good restaurant" is wonderful. The chef will be able to accommodate your needs. Don't be afraid to ask. I even got a dairy free, gluten free menu the other day at a nice restaurant. What a treat that was!!!!

    Ask away if you have any questions.
  • janac777
    janac777 Posts: 22 Member
    Well I don't eat meat either, so . . . actually no! I love to eat and I like to cook and if I can't eat something, I'll come up with another way to make it. International cuisines are great, a lot more focus on real ingredients instead of processed.

    As for Tony Romas, check their menu online, and then call the chef to see what he can do for you. If the sauces all have gluten or soy in them, maybe he can do a dry rub or something like that. I just looked at their salads, and something like this is not boring:

    Tenderloin & Fire Roasted Vegetable Salad
    Grilled beef tenderloin, wild mushrooms, roasted grape tomatoes, artichoke hearts, red pepper, red onion and crisp eggplant piled on a bed of fresh greens, topped with rosemary bacon and Bleu cheese crumbles. Served with balsamic Dijon vinaigrette.

    Just ask for it without the cheese, and double-check the dressing ingredients.


    thanks for the support :) ok so my husband just said we r gonna go to tony romas on friday for our valentines. so by everyones posts it looks like if i just continue what i do at home when i go out i should be ok. altho i am finding that alot of things have soy that i didnt even realize. so if i keep to plain without sauces?? that seems boring. does anyone get bored with eating just meat and veges and fruit???

    awesome great ideas thanks so much gonna do that. altho that salad sounds amazing!!