I'm looking for some other trans guys on this site.



  • munchifer
    munchifer Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, just joined MFP & found this post. I’m from Oregon and transitioned about 3.5 years ago. It’s great to see so much diversity on this site. Feel free to friend me.
  • sjiphone
    sjiphone Posts: 67 Member
    Not trans - but an ally. If anyone is in Vancouver and likes yoga there is a series of Queerdalini sessions coming up (Kundalini Yoga for queer, transgender, and other gender non-conforming folks! and Allies!) starting Friday Dec 7. Message me for more details if interested or search Facebook for Queerdalini. Love and peace.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Just an ally. Wishing you the best.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Question for the trans guys....I like tofu, soy...but I've not been eating any for the past year + because it increases estrogen. Does anyone know that once the inside job is done...will it still effect estrogen as much? I know they promote for post menopausal women.

    Not a trans guy BUT I believe I've read several places that you have to be eating MASSIVE quantities for it to be any kind of issue and the jury is sort of out on what kind of issues and how much. You should be fine eating soy in moderate quantities - I'd maybe avoid it in processed snack foods but go ahead and enjoy tofu so that you keep your intake moderate.
  • Hey FTM from Maine here. Starting T soon, looking to lose some weight so I can bulk. Any advice welcome I keep falling off the horse. I love food what can I say? Feel free to add me.
  • Question for the trans guys....I like tofu, soy...but I've not been eating any for the past year + because it increases estrogen. Does anyone know that once the inside job is done...will it still effect estrogen as much? I know they promote for post menopausal women.

    Not a trans guy BUT I believe I've read several places that you have to be eating MASSIVE quantities for it to be any kind of issue and the jury is sort of out on what kind of issues and how much. You should be fine eating soy in moderate quantities - I'd maybe avoid it in processed snack foods but go ahead and enjoy tofu so that you keep your intake moderate.

    Seconding that it has no effect on your appearance.

    I am a vegetarian/Pescatarian trans man, and despite this I have a considerably masculine appearance and have little trouble passing (as much as one can expect from a pre-T man). Soy doesn't have enough estrogen in it and the reason this is such a pervasive myth is because the meat industry championed it in order to sink their claws into men with latent misogynist views.

    Outside of your transition, its important to be a wholesome person and live up to your ideals. It makes day-to-day life more enjoyable overall and bearable for those hard times. I don't know about you, but every time I thought about stopping my vegetarian diet I felt extremely distressed and physically sick with the thought of having red meat inside of me. If you have religious, spiritual, personal, simply preference or health reasons for not eating meat then I encourage you to keep it up as I have.
  • Almost forgot to introduce myself as well!

    My name is David and I'm a trans man. I'm college age, majoring in graphic design, and hoping to lose the 20 pounds I've gained on cafeteria food. I'm from Michigan as well, and I'm actually surprised at how many on this website are from the state.

    Good to meet you all!
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    Hi there! 28 year old FTM from Bristol, UK here :D Nearly 7 years on T and am having my last chest surgery in a few months time (was done in stages similar to the work of Lena Andersson). Then metoidioplasty in a few years time. Have about 70lbs more to go until I'm in my healthy BMI range so will be here for the long haul. Feel free to add if you like :)
  • Masculine identifying...female anatomy...naturally high T levels...whatever you wanna call that, go for it! :wink:

    Losing the weight to become a natural body builder! Always welcoming new friends to join the battle.
  • ajjaxx
    ajjaxx Posts: 21 Member
    Trans guy here. Feel free to add me. Started T nearly 2 years ago. Working on losing weight so I can get my top surgery.
  • 24 year old trans guy here that identifies as pansexual. 3 years on T at the end of January. I had chest surgery august 2010. I need to lose weight as the doctor says I am close to becoming diabetic plus I want to have a hysto and surgery is safer if you are not so far over weight. I am a busy college student and work two jobs. Always looking for new friends so feel free to message or add me on here.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    oh my, i just drooled all over this thread....y'all are some delicious eye candy. <3

    I find it hilarious that two of my friends have also been lurking on this thread just for sightseeing purposes! :drinker:
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Trans* friendly cis girl here (one of them lesbian types). Have a lot of friends and close ones who have transitioned or are transitioning. Accepting friends request.