Too much fiber and/or protein

When I do my food diary, I am over my protein and fiber numbers. Being new to this site, can anyone tell me when and if to much protein and fiber is a bad thing? Also, I don't seem to get enough carbs, any suggestions for more of the correct carbs would be great.


  • Lona728
    Lona728 Posts: 105
    From everything I have read being over on protein and fiber are good things.
  • gutbuddy
    I am always over my protein and fiber...which is good. I usually eat low carb and do not pay attention to the carb numbers. I normally pay most attention to my end of day calorie intake. Hope this helps!
  • mjmtaz
    mjmtaz Posts: 10
    Thanks. This was driving me crazy. I can not reach my caleorie goal either they set. I'm just going to go with it