Making excuses

mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
So i went to the doctor yesterday to find that I've gained xlbs in the last month and a half. I feel disgusted with myself for using my pregnancy as an excuse to eat absolutely horribly. I know it's not healthy for me or the baby and I'm only making it harder for after I deliver. I'm no good at watching what I eat, in order to lose xlbs over the year before I got pregnant I had to workout for hours a day and eventually began severe calorie deprivation. I'm 18 weeks in and still have morning sickness, I take meds for it but I frequently find myself only able to eat what sounds good right now (normally carbs).

Please I'm x lbs away from the weight my doctor recommended for the entire pregnancy. I need tips and support, I cant go through another year like last year, especially not while taking care of a baby.


  • christein
    christein Posts: 3 Member
    It is hard, I find that there is so much you can't do when you're pregnant, I reckon I actually feel sorry for myself and start comfort eating. I'm 25 weeks pregnant and have put on xlbs so far. I found myself treating myself to cakes every friggin day. I came back to the app on my phone on Monday. I've put my settings to losing 0.5lb a week. This is just a test to see how I get on. I know you shouldn't diet when you're pregnant but im x lbs... I dont think I'm going to keel over with starvation anytime soon. I'm hoping that if I stick to the calories set I wont actually gain or lose any weight. Im hoping Ill stay the same for the next few weeks.

    This is my second pregnancy, I didnt weight myself at all during the first pregnancy so I know how bad / hard it is to shift the weight afyter the baby. Im really hoping that I can 'get into this' and stop piling on the pounds. x
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member

    Sorry but it is tiresome having to edit every single post by myself because triggering numbers are included when the guidelines specifically state not to put weights, besides just a bit more thought for others would be appreciated since the guidelines are only common sense...
  • christein
    christein Posts: 3 Member
    My apologies, I never read the guidelines.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I wasn't expecting to be scolded for asking for help in a disordered eating group because I put an actual number of lbs in the post, not my weight mind you, but what the doctor told me to expect to gain. It's a bit disheartening knowing that people likely passed up helpful posts because the admin fussed at me.

    I did not post my weight only what I had gained in a very relatively short period of time, and don't feel I have broken any rules in the guidelines.
  • Guys, it's not about scolding anyone or that anyone is intentionally doing something wrong. Mili is trying to make sure everyone is protected, and seeing numbers can be triggering for some people. Especially those who are struggling to gain weight. I don't think Mili wanted you to feel badly, but you have to remember, she's recovering too, and it has to be adding to her stress to have to be editing out the numbers all the time. A little grace for her, especially since she is volunteering her time and efforts, would be a good idea.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I wasn't expecting to be scolded for asking for help in a disordered eating group because I put an actual number of lbs in the post, not my weight mind you, but what the doctor told me to expect to gain. It's a bit disheartening knowing that people likely passed up helpful posts because the admin fussed at me.

    I did not post my weight only what I had gained in a very relatively short period of time, and don't feel I have broken any rules in the guidelines.
    You posted how much you had gained in a certain timeframe and expressed disgust. Obviously that is not a thoughtful thing to do in this forum. If you want to try moderating this group single handedly whilst recovering from anorexia, working a full time job and studying in college full time go ahead. I would be happy for someone else to do it if you think I am doing a bad job.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I wasn't expecting to be scolded for asking for help in a disordered eating group because I put an actual number of lbs in the post, not my weight mind you, but what the doctor told me to expect to gain. It's a bit disheartening knowing that people likely passed up helpful posts because the admin fussed at me.

    I did not post my weight only what I had gained in a very relatively short period of time, and don't feel I have broken any rules in the guidelines.
    You posted how much you had gained in a certain timeframe and expressed disgust. Obviously that is not a thoughtful thing to do in this forum. If you want to try moderating this group single handedly whilst recovering from anorexia, working a full time job and studying in college full time go ahead. I would be happy for someone else to do it if you think I am doing a bad job.

    sending friend request. Go mili!
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I wasn't expecting to be scolded for asking for help in a disordered eating group because I put an actual number of lbs in the post, not my weight mind you, but what the doctor told me to expect to gain. It's a bit disheartening knowing that people likely passed up helpful posts because the admin fussed at me.

    I did not post my weight only what I had gained in a very relatively short period of time, and don't feel I have broken any rules in the guidelines.
    You posted how much you had gained in a certain timeframe and expressed disgust. Obviously that is not a thoughtful thing to do in this forum. If you want to try moderating this group single handedly whilst recovering from anorexia, working a full time job and studying in college full time go ahead. I would be happy for someone else to do it if you think I am doing a bad job.

    Disgust at my lack of will power and at the medical ramifications of my rapid weight gain. On of the reasons I gained so quickly was likely due to the ridiculous calorie deprivation in the few months leading up to my pregnancy.

    If it's too much then ask for help, I'm sure there are plenty of people here grateful for the help groups like this provide, myself included. But I adhered to the guidelines set forth so they either need to be expanded upon or clarified. they specifically say "do not post YOUR weight" not any unit of measurement ever. My issue was calling people lazy when the only thing POTENTIALLY wrong with the post was a matter of opinion.

    If an anorexic girl came and said her doctor said she needed to gain 15lbs would that be filtered? Her weight was not expressed, she gave no indication of her bmi or height so that it may be comparative. Everyone here is recovering, that's what this group is for and asking for help and supporting others is a huge help in the step to each persons recovery. I don't want to post anything triggering but when I see someone with similar issues it's immensely helpful to give them good advise and I doubt I'm the only one here that gets strength from supporting others.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    - Try to avoid potentially triggering posts. Of course this is difficult but be considerate that there are some users here who are struggling and may be easily triggered by a thoughtless comment or subject matter.

    - DO NOT post your weight, BMI etc. They will be removed. This can be very triggering for others.

    As you can see, the guidelines do not fully specify what will or will not be considered triggering and you stepped outside the boundaries which I think you recognise, by expressing disgust for gaining a certain amount of weight in a certain time. Others who are required to gain that amount of weight could be triggered by that, and it could be upsetting to anyone who has been through weight gain of a similar nature.

    Yes, in response to your query, I have in the past deleted numbers where girls have said they have to gain x lbs.

    In the end I give up my time to moderate this group and there have been discussion abouts what shoulder shouldn't be posted. I went with what everyone wanted, which happily was basically the same thing. Seriously, stop hating and causing problems. If you don't like it, leave.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Milli - thank you for volunteering your time, as I know you have ALOT going on with your own recovery.

    OP and christein - I've never been pregnant, but I'm hoping to TTC later this year. I don't understand the pressures of pregnancy and weight gain just yet - but I do understand the pressures to get healthier prior to TTC. I place a lot of pressure on myself to get to a healthier weight as I feel like my husband and I are having to halt our plans just because I am unable to do this properly (I'm in the emotional eating camp and have not been diagnosed with an ED, although I have had tendencies in the past). If it helps, I've recently really upped my calories and have been giving my body what it is asking for (going off TDEE). As a result, I have less cravings for unhealthy foods (although I do still eat them sometimes) because my body is getting what it needs the rest of the time. It has affected my weight, fitness, and overall health in a positive way. It wasn't easy to trust that raising them would be beneficial, but it definitely has been worth it.