This fellow is the reason I dislike organized religion...



  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member

    When you get right down to it most faiths believe (to differing degrees) that they have exclusive claim on truth, some by making truth statements which are mutually exclusive with truth statements of other faiths and some by making statements regarding salvation, rewards in the afterlife etc which include belief in and/or living in accordance with a certain set of moral laws. Many of these moral laws are universal to all religions (and to agnostic and atheist beliefs) such as honesty & forgiveness etc.

    not really,
    there are TONS of immoral laws, and stories,
    throughout most holy books.
    (however, civil law overrides scripture, (EXCEPT when there is no separation of church and state, in theocracies)
    and thus, christians can no longer sell their daughters, murder their sassy children, avoid eating shrimp, can work on sunday, and most no longer believe they have a right to rape women from other nations, to name just a FEW of the laws, morals, etc, in the bible.

    yes, yes, there are!!
    But the vast bulk of the bible stories are very immoral, by almost any measure of morality!!!
    DO READ THAT BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Honesty and forgiveness are more often than not,
    NOT demonstrated in the bible stories.
    HAPPY to post story
    after story
    after story,
    where neither honesty
    nor forgiveness
    is the moral of the story.................let me know if you doubt it.


    ah, the image does not completely show up,
    it reads
    Morality is doing what is right,
    no matter what you are told.
    Religion is doing what you are told,
    no matter what is right.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    I partially agree with you. JmeHarris. I think that co-exist means that the Christian has as much right to share his/her opinion as the Pagan, Wiccan, Freemason, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu etc.

    The tough part is that part of the Christian faith is that salvation only comes through the grace of Christ and this is only available to those who have faith in Christ. So how much of this (which is a central part of Christianity) should be allowed to be shared in a forum dedicated to co-existing?

    What is required to get into heaven,
    depends on WHICH part of the bible you are currently reading.
    Several places it states,
    one has to have faith, or believe in the gods of the bible to get the big prize when you are dead.
    tons of places state is one's behavior, or deeds,
    which will be rewarded after death.

    many many other random rules, scattered here or there,
    which are also supposed to earn one points in the biblegods's eyes too, fairly random stuff, actually.

    lots of different ideas on what the biblegods really really want from you,
    all throughout the entire bible.

    depends on which chapter you are reading...............

    I actually think the notion that faith (<
    suspending one's critical thinking skills)
    is really A "GOOD" THING
    should be questioned.............
    at the very least.

  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    i will stop,
    just wanted the OP to know,
    she is not alone,
    and wanted to even begin to introduce a shred of insight into how some atheists do think. We are a minority,
    and the most poorly understood and least trusted minority in USA,
    as demonstrated by poll
    after poll.

    Show me an atheist who HASN'T rec'd emails like the one the OP got, (or worse! shiver!)
    and i'll show you an atheist without an email account
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    what made him decide to write that? it sounds very judgy, and not very christian... good to know who to stay away from :)

    actually, WillNorton's ideas are repeated throughout the entire bible, in both OT and in NT.
    It actually IS a very christian type of mindset, strongly endorsed by the biblegods.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    Doesn't coexisting mean he gets to voice his opinion too? Doesn't mean we have to agree with him but if I want him to respect my right to be me than I have to return the favor right?

    I agree with this person,
    but i see a difference,
    between free speech,
    and personal attacks, like calling the OP names or stating she has lost her mind.

    I see a difference,
    between free speech,
    and giving up my right to question what has been said.

    I say let this WillNorton post his ideas,
    as we all know,
    if one DOES post their ideas,
    they are, in a roundabout way,
    agreeing to have comments back.

    so we are, in fact,
    free to question or comment on his remarks, imo. NOt to attack WillNorton as a person,
    but why not be free to question his ideas or his remarks?

    We should feel free to politely, and reasonably discuss, share and question our ideas. How else does one learn to understand another?