Supplements and MS

carilyn39 Posts: 91 Member
Okay my fellow MS'ers. I have really been very fortunate to still have my abilitys to basically do what ever i darn well please. The thing that gets under my skin, is my sensory issues. i am practically blind in my left eye but the eye doctor doesn't seem to think so. I get that tingly feeling every once in awhile, and vertigo is are real....well i really don't like that. I am getting around to a question. I have as of late been experiencing lack of (sorry if this is tmi) sex drive. Anxiety/anxiousness has become kind of a problem as well. SO... I work at a natural foods company. I know that there are certain herbs that we just can't take. mostly immune boosters. I reserched GABA. It sounds like everything that I need, talks about releiving anxiety, and there are even some sexual helping benefits. HOWEVER, Now my left ear hurts. Not on the inside on the outside and up the side of my head. this happens often too. but because its so weird no Dr can quite figure it out, so I attribute it to MS. (surprise!) when something doesn't make sence it must be MS.

Does anyone else take supplements? Specifically GABA (gamma amino butyric acid)?


  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Carilyn,

    About 6 months ago, I was experiencing the same issues as you w/ regards to lack of sex drive as well as Anxiety/anxiousness. It was to the point where I was effecting my daily function. I talked to my doc, and its a common symptom of MS. He ended up giving me an Rx or Xanax. I maybe take about 1/2 one every few days, and it has really helped things alot, to the point where I think in the past 2-3 weeks, I've had a total of 1 dose. I do notice that it will flare up every once in a while, but that Rx really helped.
    Sorry - not the Natural cure you may have been looking for - but just wanted to let you know, that you are not alone.
  • c3js80
    c3js80 Posts: 82 Member
    Hey Carilyn,

    I love your comment that if something doesn't make sense, it must be the MS. How true. Fortunately, I've never a problem with the sex drive. Have you gone to your gyno? I started menopause when I was your age, and it took several years to get through. That's where I would start. I wouldn't discount the Xanax though. When I'm under stress, it makes my symptoms so much worse. That crazy tingling like bugs crawling under my skin. Keep us posted.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi, I don't take the supplement you were mentioning but I would check with a local pharmacist because they quite often can give you more info on what the supplements will actualy help with than your GP.

    And the face pain that starts at the ear and seems to radiate out and up the side of your head - yup I get that. I am assuming that the loss of vision in your eye is related to optic neuritis? The consensus between my optometrist and my MS doc is that this pain is related to the damaged optic nerve. I have permanent damage to mine so there really isn't anything I can do other than take pain meds when it gets too bad - or I just have a long nap and sometimes that helps too.

    The lack of sex drive could be MS - it's common. Or it could be peri-menopause. Have your doctor test your estrogen levels and that is a fairly easy thing to diagnose.

    Take care of yourself.
