
I am Joy aka Turbomoma. I am currently in the INSANITY program by Beachbody. I started Jan. 30th, 2012. Before Insanity I was doing a round of Turbo Jam for 28days. I needed the motivation to get back into the fitness game and TJ was and always seems to be that for me. However prior to TJ for the last 2 years or so I have been an on and off exerciser. I would go 60-70days in a program just to drop it 100% and not get going about for 3-6months later, when all the weight had came back and all the previous work and effort was no longer visible. I know there are people out there just like me.
Well I found out that I needed the right mental state (frame of mind) in order to get in shape and stay committed to a program. I also found out a lot about myself and Chalene Johnson is right sometimes you need to work out the inner you before you can start on the outer you. I was one of those people that could not just jump in it by starting to change my outward appearance.
I currently have a NO EXCUSES attitude toward fitness. If I miss a day, I have no choice to make it up. So I can't miss a day with a program like Insanity as it is to intense to try and get two workouts in 1
Personally, I am a wife and mother. I have the luxury to enjoy my children and be active in their daily lives and their school. I have the best husband I could ask for. He is my best friend, my hero, and my inspiration. We are more a like then I think sometimes. My children are very active and I can no longer just watch them grow up before my eyes. We are doing thing together and being active together. I also have some animals I would like to sell But they have their own personalities and I love them very much. I really enjoy cheerleading (with my daughter) and would like to be an assistant coach this fall season. I love to be outside and especially camping. Oh, the nature and water and just plain FUN!

Feel free to share your introduction. :)


  • charmedlife78
    I hope im posting in the right place. I am about to start my 2nd week of insanity and thought it would be fun to join a group of people that are doing beachbody programs too. I got hooked on turbo jam in 2005 and have also done 1 previous round of insanity, turbo fire, insanity asylum. i was 225 in 2007- got to 152 in 2011. now i just stay between 152-160. Ive got the fitness thing down, its my nutrition thing i need help with. Im going to spend this year doing my workouts ofcourse, and reading as much as i can about nutrition cause that is my downfall. My goal is 129 pounds but id be happy if i could get to 140 and stay there! It will be nice to have a few friends for support along the way. My name is brandy. Nice to meet yall! TIme for some cardio power and resistance. :)
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I could really use some motivation, accountability and all that. I'm starting P90X tomorrow (Monday) and this will be my first time through. I'm currently hovering just under 140lbs and I'm hoping to lose about 10lbs or at least a whole bunch of fat, I'm sitting at about 30%body fat. I'm 5'4".
  • charmedlife78
    Good luck with your P90xing tomorrow! Im excited for you. I always cant sleep good the night before i start a new program!
  • JoyfullySimpleFit
    Hi guys! I am so sorry for not keeping up on this group. I honestly thought that when someone posted I would be notified by MFP....I guess I was wrong on that one. Opps....
    I finished Insanity March 30th and lost 13lbs and 8.5". I also went from a size 14 to a size 10. I am oober excited to say that! I now have decided to do TurboFire and I started that April 2nd. So I am just starting Week 4 today. I absolutely love the Turbo Fire workout and I think it has some really motivating music and energy in it. :)
    Insanity was just that INSANE! I still loved it. It was a wonderful training series. Which I like for a chance of pass sometimes. Training is my soulmate type of workout. I have to go back to P90X once I am done with TurboFire. I love me some Tony
    I hope you guys are going well still and hanging in there. I also have this group on FB which I am there more often. However feel free to post here if you'd prefer I will start checking in here more now that I know I will not be notified on new posts.