Please help me get back on track!!

Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
Valentine's Day did more damage than I would have imagined :( So I had 3 cupcakes and 1/2 bottle of Arbor Mist (which is huge for me because I don't drink my calories very often). But I've been at this since Oct so I know how to get back on track, right? Wed comes and I have 3 more cupcakes (at least now they are gone) but I'm too sluggish to work out. Thursday, I eat ok but no exercise and today I'm searching for my motivation! I need some words to get my behind up and moving! I haven't worked out since Monday. Help!


    JRRCLR Posts: 353
    I feel ya! I had a celebratory weekend where I ate like it was going out of style and that heightened my appetite for the rest of the week. It's so hard to get back on track and so easy to fall off the wagon! I think to go in baby steps would be best. Not to expect to go back to your lowest calories right away. If you recorded one of your high days try to go lower than that by a realistic fraction and the day after that a little more. Work yourself back into it. I think I have to take that advice too! :)
    YOU CAN DO IT! :)
  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    That is very good and logical advice. I did better yesterday and I'm gonna take a long walk today. Thanks for helping!
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    It is SOOO Hard to loose weight! It seems like its trial and error to loose a lb. And then you gain it back :sad:

    I never expected that reach under 200 would take this long since it was easy to loose the other lbs GRRR!