Going out to NOT eat?

gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
Tonight was Hubby's birthday and we went to a great local gastropub. I couldn't eat anything there because, obviously, there is wheat everywhere there from all the food and brewing.

Luckily they are super nice and let me sit without buying anything. It got me to wondering, what do you do if you go out and can't eat the food there? Do you bring your own food? Starve it out? Sneak a protein bar?

How do you go out to eat when you can't eat out?


  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    If there's nothing I can eat there, chances are I bow out and get together after dinner. One restaurant I brought my own pasta and sauce for them to prepare. Sometimes I'll settle for a salad with oil and vinegar - I have other allergies too. If we're on the road, I always have other food with me so that I don't have to rely on restaurants or family members having food that I can eat.
  • mamadragon
    we either avoid the place or I'll sit and drink something. I once ate a meal bar since I had it with me. Most places are understanding and don't have too much of a problem with it.