We can do it together

Thanks for your interest, support, commitment, joining and much more. I feel like with the support of others I can take on the world, my weight is something I don't have support on, only constant negativity. I want a way to get positive reinforcement and support. I hope that by starting this group everyone can take something out of this not just for their work in weight loss, but afterwards as well, to gain friendships and understanding that many may not have, and to be happy and have fun in their new journey.


  • KarenC1933
    KarenC1933 Posts: 33 Member
    My name is Karen, and I live on Capitol Hill. I'm looking for positive-thinking exercise partners and a health/fitness support group. I'm not good at going to the gym. I find it boring, and usually lose interest after a while. I enjoy doing outdoor activities, and have recently started doing stair climbs. I hope to complete the cystic fibrosis stair climb in Tower next winter. If anyone is interested in getting some exercise in the rain, or on those rare occasions the sunshine, I would love to have the company.
  • Jill425
    Jill425 Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats to you for taking the initiative to start this local group. You should applaud the fact that you're obviously a leader with a positive, "can do" attitude. Good luck to you in your efforts!