Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme/Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid

Hi everyone! I'm doing a TF/CLX/BBL hybrid for 3 months. I just started today! So excited to see my results! I have 17lbs to lose before summer! If anyone else wants my schedule or wants to join me email me at dpointkowski@gmail.com and add me on facebook www.facebook.com/dpointkowski


  • isys5
    isys5 Posts: 213
    Too funny I just added BBL to my workout this morning and doing a TF/CXE hybrid :) I will join ya, I also added in
    Shaun T's Miracle Workout on the days I do the bum bum http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/shaun-ts-miracle-15-minute-workout

    I have about 18lbs to lose and most of it down below ;)
  • Danni... You will have to let me know how to goes. I plan on doing a Turbo Fire Chalean Extreme hybrid as soon as I finish my first round of Turbo Fire. I am in week 5 of Turbo Fire and part of me wants to start the hybrid right away but I am trying to complete one thing first.
    Find me on FB my email for my account is lauramaewojo@gmail.com
  • Exna
    Exna Posts: 96 Member
    I am about to finish CLX and I thought if I could just start TF right after CLX (like 1 day rest and then TF) .. just wondering if I should rest or not .. any ideas ?
    Thanks ! :)
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    You are all such smart cookies. I am just doing TF by itself right now, then I am going to look into doing some kind of hybrid!
  • You are all such smart cookies. I am just doing TF by itself right now, then I am going to look into doing some kind of hybrid!

    Me too!