


  • Careolyn
    Careolyn Posts: 61
    Hi Everyone!

    Just thought I would check-in and see how everyone is doing!

    I am entering my 8th week of pregnancy, and so far I am feeling pretty good. I am a little nauseas in the morning, but mostly because I am STARVING, and once I eat I feel better. I have been trying to eat every 2-3 hours, because otherwise I get super hungry and just kind of icky, and I have been craving bread and mashed potatos :-( Two things that I typically stay away from. Sadly, my body has zero interest in salad or vegetables, but I have been eating fruit successfully.

    I had my first ultrasound last week, and the doctor gave me the go ahead to keep working out (embryo has attached correctly and had a good heartbeat), so I am jumping back on the elliptical this week and doing some gentle strength-training exercises.

    Sadly, my clothes are already starting to feel a little more snug (from all the bloating, not from the baby, that would be a good thing!), so if you are planning on TTC in the future, stick with your weight loss goals (but don't buy smaller clothes!)

    Happy Monday!

  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    Hello everyone! Not sure if this board is still actively being posted on but I thought I would introduce myself. My name is Kerry and I married my best friend on May 1, 2011. We were planning to TTC starting this past September but I had just started a new job and wanted to wait a little longer. Now after reaching my goal weight (& have been at this job a few months) I am ready to get serious about it. It is exciting and scary at the same time. I have always wanted to be a Mom but I know that it is a lot of work and my life will change in so many ways. I plan to pull the goalie after this month. Yayyyyy!!! But at the same time I am just starting to love the way I look but I am planning to use mfp to help me stay on track during pregnancy too.

    Anywho - good luck to all those TTC!!!