The Zombie Run....



  • LilRiver
    LilRiver Posts: 81 Member
    Hahaha awesome. I know the team behind Zombies, Run! Great folks :)

    As for android - yep! It'll be out this spring.

    More info here:
  • emmamcc1981
    emmamcc1981 Posts: 133 Member
    Hahaha awesome. I know the team behind Zombies, Run! Great folks :)

    As for android - yep! It'll be out this spring.

    More info here:

    may have just peed a little at that info....
  • Yep, getting that app Monday.
    If anyone else gets it I'd really like to know if there's like a multi-player type set up for it.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I ran too! Total lack of zombies, but there was this really suspicious cat I saw...... Kept an eye on me while I was running by, was totally plotting.....
    My music is not very bouncy, I am super slow: today included Elbow, Sigur Ros, Florence and the Machine and Kings of Leon.
    Will check out the apps :smile:
  • Operation_Me
    Operation_Me Posts: 869 Member
    Hopefully the app's available early tomorrow. Would love to use it for my morning walk/run.
  • So just an FYI, the app hit the store, it's 7.99 though. I'm gonna need to see a few reviews on the finished product before I drop that on an app.
  • I download the The 'Zombies, Run!' app yesterday. I haven't used it yet but I am looking forward to trying it out.

    Zombie face -> :sick:
  • LilRiver
    LilRiver Posts: 81 Member
    Zombies, Run! = So Much, Fun!

    Is it worth the $8... maybe. It definitely was worth it for me, but it's a bit of a splurge and it's not without its challenges (I'll list a few of mine below). That said, it's really fun, kept me engaged during my walk, and got me to knock a decent chunk off my time without even trying/realizing it. I'm also really eager to get out for my next walk, so yay!

    What is it?
    It turns your run into a bit of a passive game with a decent story going on that plays in-between songs. There's a feature which I did not try that lets you avoid zombie attacks by speeding up your pace for a minute - if they catch you, you lose some of the items you collect. You collect items automagically as you go - I collected a ton of stuff in my 45m walk (mobile phones, first aid kits, pain meds, tool boxes, underwear, baseball bats, etc). I also completed the first Mission which took 30 minutes - the last 15 minutes were in "radio mode" which was, essentially, a couple guys running an underground radio station saying things like "be safe out there" in between songs (which came from my playlist).

    The story was simple and easy to follow and told in about 30s long clips in-between songs (longer songs may be broken up). It is in British English (so tinned food instead of canned food), but the accents are easy to deal with for my American English ears (though I am a BBC junkie, so.) The only time I struggled with the words were when I was picking things up along the route - not all that important as it's all logged - but unlike the main story bits, it plays in a computer generated voice (i think) and it lays on top of the music (instead of between songs). By the end of the walk, though, I was accustomed to it and either understood it (what? i picked up underwear?! gross!) or ignored it. At the end of the walk, I was able to distribute the various items throughout the city.

    What is it not?
    It is not a comprehensive running app (at least not yet). While it does tell you your distance & pace, it doesn't seem to keep routes or any of the other more advanced features of the typical fitness apps. It is a story app that makes your run/walk/ride a bit more interesting. Because of this, it can be used in any context and you can set it up to work with GPS or with the accelerometer (for indoor use).

    (These may just be me not finding the right settings and are not altogether a problem with this app but with others)

    1) The Playlist. It will play from any playlists you have set up but it plays them in order (the playlist I chose is one I listen to on random). It also did not recognize new playlists I had added until I turned off (like off-off) my phone and turned it back on again.

    2) It lists all info in metric units - km! what's that?! ;)

    3) I use Walkometer to record my walks, routes, distance, etc etc. When the playlist stops, Walkometer shouts out the various infos... the way Zombies, Run! works is that it stops and starts the playlist so, I missed the first few story bits because both Zombies, Run! & Walkometer were talking. I finally figured out where the Walkometer setting was and turned it's announcements off. If you use such a feature, Zombies, Run! will annoy you.

    I'll gladly answer any questions you may have, but keep in mind I've only used it once (so far) and haven't done the Zombie Chase thing. I can say that it's not just for runners. I did it today just walking and I think it would be fun for cyclists as well. While it can be used on treadmills, it's probably a touch more fun outside even though, for example, I was walking through a park and it's telling me about a certain building I was going in to find something. It would be *excellent* for night runs... though maybe a bit spooky. I mean, I knew there weren't zombies near me but I found myself looking around a bit... HA!
  • samalex01
    samalex01 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for sharing this.... I hadn't heard of the Zombie Run but it's coming to Austin, Tx in December so my wife and I have set it as a goal to attend. We're both on a path to getting in shape, but a 5K run in 9 months should be an amazing goal!