
fubar2us Posts: 43 Member
Lets talk Vampires. I want to know what your views are of the different stories that deviate from the original full incarnation Dracula with all its flaws as shown in Nosferatu.

Quick list of a few Versions to think about.

Anne Rice = Vampire Chronicles
True Blood
Vampire Diaries
Van Helsing (which if you have not watched the anime Hellsing I highly suggest you do if you like Helsing)
Vampire Hunter D (Personal Favorite.)

So what are your thoughts. Are there some you just can't stand, some that stand out as simply EPIC in every way. Share your thoughts.


  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    Are we talking just film/tv versions? or can we expand to fiction? If so, you need to add in at least the anita blake series and JR ward as well..

    Twilight I love, but it's silly. I do love true blood though. I think the idea of the vampire's having their own little government and set of rules is interesting. Like it's really a vampire world and they just let the rest of us live in it.

    my question is why are vamps always so damn good looking??? There are rarely ugly vampires.
  • DKaye09
    DKaye09 Posts: 109

    my question is why are vamps always so damn good looking??? There are rarely ugly vampires.

    Disagree. :cough: Twilight :cough:
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member

    my question is why are vamps always so damn good looking??? There are rarely ugly vampires.

    Disagree. :cough: Twilight :cough:

    Jasper is kind of freaky looking, but I like Edward, other than the sparkly thing.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    And theres a few fairly fugly ones in True Blood
  • DKaye09
    DKaye09 Posts: 109

    my question is why are vamps always so damn good looking??? There are rarely ugly vampires.

    Disagree. :cough: Twilight :cough:

    Jasper is kind of freaky looking, but I like Edward, other than the sparkly thing.

    I find Edward (movie version) to be horrifically ugly. Give me Interview with a Vampire, Buffy, or True Blood any day. :bigsmile:
  • fubar2us
    fubar2us Posts: 43 Member
    Lets talk all Vampires. Books, TV, Movies, Video games, Tabletop, ALL.

    I bring this up because I find myself more and more having to defend the fact that I will not watch the Twighlight movies. I just can't think of them as Vampires. They sparkle in the sun, mentaly do not age beyond tenagers, and somehow the living dead can father children.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Can't stand Twilight ugh.....
    However I have read almost every Fiction book that has anything to do with vampires. The ones by P.C. Cast are entertaining (the Marked series)...... I love Anne Rice and Anita Blake as well as the the Kim Harrison Vampires in the dead witch walking series.....
  • hesgro2
    hesgro2 Posts: 88 Member
    Vampire Hunter D and Hellsing (not to be confused with Van Hellsing) are definitely two of my favorite movies. Black Blood Brothers was also pretty good - too short though. If you ever have an opportunity to read the Dresden series by Jim Butcher, the vampires are pretty awesome. The Samantha Moon series by J.R. Rain is also really good.
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    I can't do the Twilight thing either, but will not fault anyone for liking it. Love Buffy and True Blood though. I read the Anita Blake series, the Kim Harrison; Dead Witch Walking series, The Dresden Files has a good take on vampires, the L. A. Banks Vampire Huntress Legend is okay. Love the Charlaine Harris Sookie series, and Christina Feehan, Carpathian (erotica romance novels). I also like a few other authors that include vampires in their book series though not as main characters like The Mercy Thompson novels.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    well....the most tragic vampires are Anne Rice (to me, but admittedly there is a TON our there I haven't read). The most realistic are probably the Anita Blake ones (again, in my opinion). The ones I would most want to hang out with? Hmmm either the Glory St. Clair series, or the Casa Dracula series, I used to like the Betsy Taylor (the undead series) books, but they just got a little out of control the last few books to me.
  • fubar2us
    fubar2us Posts: 43 Member
    Vampire Hunter D and Hellsing (not to be confused with Van Hellsing) are definitely two of my favorite movies. Black Blood Brothers was also pretty good - too short though. If you ever have an opportunity to read the Dresden series by Jim Butcher, the vampires are pretty awesome. The Samantha Moon series by J.R. Rain is also really good.

    LOL, Totaly forgot about Dresden. Loved the show and just picked up the first book last week. If you like the Vampire Hunter D movies I highly recomend reading the books. They go into way more detail on everything that just sort of happens in the movie. Rewatching the movies after reading the books I could see all the little things that they just sort of cramed into it just to try and get everything in.
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    I'm a traditionalist.

    Frank Langella's Dracula was fantabulous.

    I'm a HUGE Buffy fan. Angel was also grand. The muppet ep is probably my all time favorite. It was a bright shining moment for me when Spike was the opening act for one of my favorite bands. Who knew he could sing?

    I have to admit, Vampire Diaries is my guilty pleasure. The amount of WHINING done by the two main characters was difficult to stomach. I was about to give up on it. Then I was hooked by one moment in the show. I'm a HUGE sap and cry at dog food commercials. I freely admit that. Yet, I can't say that means this kid doesn't have some acting chops on him. The bad brother is quite a jerk. Immediately easy to dislike. He finds out his greatest love never cared for him. He doesn't even have any dialog. He's sitting alone in the forest. I was in tears.

    I'm glad to hear a few other folks can't deal with the sparkles. I was thinking I was the odd dork out.

    Anne Rice's vamps started out well. But her emotional status plays out in every book. So one is never quite sure what one will get.

    Like Anne Rice, True Blood lost me. Just couldn't hold my interest.

    I loved the first Underworld. The second was AWFUL. Now we have a third?
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    well....the most tragic vampires are Anne Rice (to me, but admittedly there is a TON our there I haven't read). The most realistic are probably the Anita Blake ones (again, in my opinion). The ones I would most want to hang out with? Hmmm either the Glory St. Clair series, or the Casa Dracula series, I used to like the Betsy Taylor (the undead series) books, but they just got a little out of control the last few books to me.

    I do love Anne Rice! Gosh I don't know how I forgot about her. I agree Anita Blake are the most realistic. I have not read the Glory St. Clair or the Casa Dracula. I will have to check those out. I did like the Betsy Taylor, but agree they did get a little out of control.
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    I'm a traditionalist.

    Frank Langella's Dracula was fantabulous.

    I'm a HUGE Buffy fan. Angel was also grand. The muppet ep is probably my all time favorite. It was a bright shining moment for me when Spike was the opening act for one of my favorite bands. Who knew he could sing?

    I have to admit, Vampire Diaries is my guilty pleasure. The amount of WHINING done by the two main characters was difficult to stomach. I was about to give up on it. Then I was hooked by one moment in the show. I'm a HUGE sap and cry at dog food commercials. I freely admit that. Yet, I can't say that means this kid doesn't have some acting chops on him. The bad brother is quite a jerk. Immediately easy to dislike. He finds out his greatest love never cared for him. He doesn't even have any dialog. He's sitting alone in the forest. I was in tears.

    I'm glad to hear a few other folks can't deal with the sparkles. I was thinking I was the odd dork out.

    Anne Rice's vamps started out well. But her emotional status plays out in every book. So one is never quite sure what one will get.

    Like Anne Rice, True Blood lost me. Just couldn't hold my interest.

    I loved the first Underworld. The second was AWFUL. Now we have a third?

    The muppet Angel episode is one of my faves too! Spike is at Dragoncon every year and last year I got a pic taken with him and an autograph. I don't normally do that kind of thing, but I had the money and a friend was doing it too. He was so genuine and appreciative of the fans.
    He plays every year at a local club too while at Dragoncon.
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    Rockin! I loved him in Torchwood too. It's funny that he keeps getting cast as a Brit. Even in Britain! When he's from Modesto in NoCal.
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    Rockin! I loved him in Torchwood too. It's funny that he keeps getting cast as a Brit. Even in Britain! When he's from Modesto in NoCal.

    He was awesome in Torchwood! The pic is actually with him and Gareth Lloyd (Ianto).
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    You lucky DUCK!! Next time can I be the mayo on that sandwhich? :flowerforyou:
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    You lucky DUCK!! Next time can I be the mayo on that sandwhich? :flowerforyou:

    LOL! :laugh:
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    You lucky DUCK!! Next time can I be the mayo on that sandwhich? :flowerforyou:

    LOL! :laugh:
    And if you have never been to a con, Dragoncon is the one to go to if you can't afford Comic con.
  • hesgro2
    hesgro2 Posts: 88 Member
    Vampire Hunter D and Hellsing (not to be confused with Van Hellsing) are definitely two of my favorite movies. Black Blood Brothers was also pretty good - too short though. If you ever have an opportunity to read the Dresden series by Jim Butcher, the vampires are pretty awesome. The Samantha Moon series by J.R. Rain is also really good.

    LOL, Totaly forgot about Dresden. Loved the show and just picked up the first book last week. If you like the Vampire Hunter D movies I highly recomend reading the books. They go into way more detail on everything that just sort of happens in the movie. Rewatching the movies after reading the books I could see all the little things that they just sort of cramed into it just to try and get everything in.

    I actually picked up the Vampire Hunter D series when Borders was going out of business (yeah, I was one of the nerds buying manga and Japanese novels at rock bottom prices). I haven't had a chance to dive in yet because stupid grad classes and work, but I can't wait to read them. I'm glad to know that they will be even more interesting than the movies! :)

    BTW, the Dresden series is great! I enjoyed every single one - the first few books are a little tedious at the beginning because he reiterates the basic plot line each time (this becomes less frequent in the later novels), but once you get to the meat of the story, you'll be hooked. I just picked up the most recent novel (Ghost Story), which I think it #13 in the set, so now I'm just waiting until I can find some time to read it!!