Heading into the final week // starting a new group

I just wanted to say congratulations to everyone on their hard work! Great job on the successes, and don't sweat the setbacks too much. Remember that your hard work is ALWAYS going to pay off. Let's try to make this last week count!

I'd also like to invite all the members who have remained active to a new group that I've created. It's called "Spring Leaning // Fit For Summer" (Cheesy, I know.) It will start the day after this challenge ends, and go until the end of May. (Yes, I realize it's not the OFFICIAL beginning of summer, but I figured two months was a good amount of time.)

I haven't decided whether it's smarter to do weigh-ins every week or every two weeks, but would definitely take feedback on that.

It is essential that we have active members to support each other through this longer challenge. Is anybody in?
