What is your Race and Class??



  • Aureilie
    Aureilie Posts: 213 Member
    Well, when I was seriously playing WoW I was a Blood Elf Prot Pally so I'll stick with that. I'm hoping to end up small, toned and strong as hell. :)
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    1/2 Dwarf Ranger
    Short, stocky, strong, loves to drink, loves the outdoors, hunting, fishing, camping, butcher my own meat, grow my own veggies,
    can use a compound bow, crossbow, epee ( used to fence ), club ( years of baseball ), firearms, knives, hammer ( roofing ),
    can ride a horse.

    STR: 15
    INT: 14
    WIS: 8
    DEX: 14
    CON: 15
    CHA: 9
    COM: ???
    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    These are all 2nd edition stats....hate 3rd & 4th ed.
  • SusanleeBee
    SusanleeBee Posts: 144 Member
    I'm thinking half dwarf, gypsy. I'm roundy like a girl dwarf, but not quite as short. I love it when I can get cardio from dancing around, and I'm not above being sneaky to get what I want.

    Plus, I wear lots of jangly bracelets. :tongue:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Yeah healers are the unsung heroes of the raid, kinda like offensive linemen in football. Indispensable but yet little recognition. You're welcome.

    I don't think they are unsung at all, my raid lives and dies on our healers and tanks. high dps is a nice to have but it doesn't mean **** if your tanks and healers suck or are even mediocre. Back when we were doing ICC hard modes we had kind of mediocre DPS but because we have 1 spectacular tank (my BF) and 1 spectacular healer, and 1 decently good tank and 1 decently good healer (me) it didn't matter that our DPS was a bit weak. (I guess we're relying on that now too but it was really marked then, everyone else was like "we're having trouble with this fight so we added a healer" and we were like "We're having trouble with this fight so we're dropping a healer/tank")

    Lets see, as far as races.... Gosh I dunno. I'm 5'6", moderately chesty, and a bit on the ..thick side I think? half dwarf/half human? Oh and I'm magically dense, I weigh at least 10lbs more than I look like I weigh. Half.....golem? ??? You guys tell me!

    I guess I'm working on being a berserker too (like the nerd fitness guy) but actually honestly I don't really care much besides how I look. I don't enjoy exercise at all - I do it because I like eating as much as possible. I'm not a good runner though, I do a bit but I'm heavy and slow (not that fat, just HEAVY). I just lift weights because it suits my temperament well (I don't need to go fast or hard, I just need to do it right and follow the plan) and because I like being strong. But I have no interest in punching. Haha.

    some kind of monk/warrior hybrid? I dunno.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I just check the halfling stats... I'm too tall to be a halfling, haha. I think that's the first time I've ever been too tall for something. Lmao.

    Half human, half halfling? Would that make me a three quarterling?
  • VinVenture
    VinVenture Posts: 290
    I'm a hobbit, I'm fairly short (5'4"), rounded but not quite stocky, and I love-love-love food. Good food is my bane, and the reason I'm here to begin with. (However, I'd love to advance to gnome instead, I think they're cuter)

    As for class... Assassin would be me. I train running for speed/endurance, lifting for pull-ups/general strength, martial arts, yoga and dancing for dexterity and body skills.

    It also fits my personality; you rarely hear me walking about, and surveying a room you'd be likely not to notice me at all, excepting my on occasional bright red hair.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    This is great!

    I think I'm a half-elf (human/elf) - I'm tall, and borderline slender build, but I'm shapley like a human. As for class, I think I'm a multi-class with Ranger/Assassin. I mountain bike, trail run, kayak, and outcrop hike, but I'm also guilty of using the children's park as my own mini-obstacle course. My tamed beast Lilly loves it too...