
Welcome. feel free to post any topic. and twll us about yourself.


  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a new mom always looking for some support from fellow mom's! Thanks for starting this group!
  • liljgrafix
    Congrats on becoming a new mom. and were all here to help and give support. hopefully more will join
  • Heatherz131
    It took my over 8 years to achieve my goal of becoming a Mum (sorry, UK here!) and when I was down or saw young girls with babies I ate to feel better... not I have a 20 month old son and need to be around for him! I had heart failure and a stroke 4 year ago following a pretty severe illness and still managed to somehow get pregnant and have a baby - so that sould be all the incentive I need - but I'm also a chocoholic!
  • BeachMama06
    BeachMama06 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a mom of two young girls (2 under 3 years old) and I am determined to lose and tone. I don't like feeling jiggly and there is nothing more eye opening than your 2 year old asking if there is another baby in your belly. Trying to workout 5 days a week.
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    I have two boys ages 1 and 2. I've pretty much lost my baby weight and now need to tone.
  • liljgrafix
    @heather .. congrats on the baby. i was in a struggle in my life when i was 19. before then i had an accident where i was aubmerged under water for over two minutes almost drowning.. i inhaled over a gallon of lake water that was full of bacteria. it tore my immune system apart. The dr. told me i would never have children and if i did by chance it wohld be hard. i ended up become pregnant and it was completwly a suprise baby. she is now going to be 4 on april fools day. crazy day huh!!. i know the feelong and i am so happy for you. i LOVE. chocolate but ice came to the conclusion that it LOVES my hips lol.
    and beach mama. at one time my sister was pregnant and her other son asked if ahe gave me the baby in my tummy.. embarrasing. i know o can do this. i am ao excited for this journey.
  • liljgrafix
    I have two boys ages 1 and 2. I've pretty much lost my baby weight and now need to tone.
    thats awesome... Two boys .. man i got my hands full with one girl lol.. :)
  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    I'm a single momma to an almost 7 year old boy!
  • Krisgren
    Good Morning all, I saw your posts and found my way here, nothing more supportive then a bunch of moms and that's totally what I'm looking for. I'm a 32 year old mom of 4 (11yr old boy, 7 yr old girl, 4 yr old boy and 1 yr old boy). I have about 20 pounds that I want to lose, I started at 164 and am now at a nasty plateau of 158.8, time to change some stuff around I think cuz something is not working for me :( Let's do it girls!!!
  • fergie2812
    what a fab idea for a group.
    We always make sure our kids eat well and do the right thing and forget about ourselves!
    I'm 37 and in the UK. Mum to 2 goreous girls 6 and 3 next week!

    starting at 237 and aiming for as near to 160 as I can and luckily I have my girls supporting me. (even dragging me away from the naughty aisle when we're shopping!)
  • Handbanana06
    Handbanana06 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi my name is Sheridan, I am a single mom to a 5 year old boy! My original start weight was around 200lbs I got down to 130 a few years ago then wasn't maintaining and my weight crept back up to about 160. I got down to 150 before I started MFP! I am currently around 140 wanting to loses 10-15. feel free to add me as a friend!
  • liljgrafix
    hey girls. i am so glad you joined.. yes i make sure my child eats great fruits and working on vegies.. she does extra cirricular activities for exercise. currently in ballet, soccor, and karate. she loves it lol. i never took time for myself .. but now i know that i have to have some ME time through the day. even if it is when she is asleep. we are all here for you. and to help you strive with your own goal. currently i have about 60 to 70 lbs to lose to be at my ideal weight. and i know it will be a rough journey . but it takes 21 days to for a habbit. and a healthy habbit is what im trying to form. please feel free to add me to your friends. and i will try to motivate each and every one of you through the day...

    best of luck to you all!!!
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    I have two boys ages 1 and 2. I've pretty much lost my baby weight and now need to tone.
    thats awesome... Two boys .. man i got my hands full with one girl lol.. :)

    They keep me busy, but they are amazing and I can't wait to have more kids. Maybe one day I'll have a girl :)
  • jeannietate
    jeannietate Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is jeannie, I'm a stay at home mom of 4 (girl 8, girl 5, girl 21 months, and boy 6 months). I'm done having babies and ive decided that its time to really start taking care of myself. I wanna be able to keep up and play with my kids instead of just watching them from the sidelines. My husband is dedicated to ..getting healthy and in shape too, so we encourage one another. I'm really liking MFP it helps a lot and I'm glad I get to hear everyone else's encouragement and success story's.
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    I'm a new mom always looking for some support from fellow mom's! Thanks for starting this group!

  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is jeannie, I'm a stay at home mom of 4 (girl 8, girl 5, girl 21 months, and boy 6 months). I'm done having babies and ive decided that its time to really start taking care of myself. I wanna be able to keep up and play with my kids instead of just watching them from the sidelines. My husband is dedicated to ..getting healthy and in shape too, so we encourage one another. I'm really liking MFP it helps a lot and I'm glad I get to hear everyone else's encouragement and success story's.

    I want four kids! It's great that you want to be healthy and in shape, kids needs their mommas and you'll love being able to keep up. My husband and I encourage each other too, we both want to be in better shape. It's easier eating healthy and exercising when you have someone helping you and keeping you focused.
  • klv22kath
    Hi Everyone,
    I just joined this group. I have been on MFP for just over a month and I like the accountability of tracking my food. I feel a bit stuck after losing 8lbs and would like to lose about 8 more. I sometimes find it difficult to "fit in" because I am not looking at losing huge amounts of weight, but I do feel I can relate to moms since I am one! I have a six and half year old and a four year old. I am a working mom and my biggest struggle would have to be snacking with the kids! Hoping to be inspired and just be able to receive and give positive reinforcement! Thanks for the group!:happy:
  • Krisgren
    I want four kids! It's great that you want to be healthy and in shape, kids needs their mommas and you'll love being able to keep up. My husband and I encourage each other too, we both want to be in better shape. It's easier eating healthy and exercising when you have someone helping you and keeping you focused.

    Four kids is so wonderful!!!!
  • ksteb
    ksteb Posts: 8 Member
    Good Morning! Just joined this group this morning, been of MFP since September, but just got devoted this week. I have three kids, two boys ( 5 & 3 ) and a 7 month old little girl. My husband and I started Insanity on Sunday and so far so good! Can't wait to get to know you ladies!
  • liljgrafix
    hey everyone!! i am so glad yall all made it. and it doesnt matter if you want to lose 5lbs, 20lbd, 100lbs, or just get toned. we are all striving to be healthy. and for us being moms we all have something in common!