I Want to Hear Your Story!



  • krythie
    krythie Posts: 84 Member
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I gained 80 lbs with my last pregnancy and for the first time in my life, I have high bp, anxiety and pre-diabetic. So I knew something had to change. Doc put me on hctz and I am now on a strict paleo diet. I have been doing a lot better. My bp went from 154/101 at its highest to 117/69 and my sugar went from 127 to 88. My anxiety attacks happen only occasionally now as well. I am hoping, through diet and exercise, I will be med free in the near future. It is nice to be in this group and know there is hope to turn this around.
  • krythie
    krythie Posts: 84 Member
    It's great to hear your story renee. I am so glad you are doing so much better. Since I joined this group, my salt intake has gone down dramatically and along with it...my BP. Glad to be your friend on this site. If you need support just let me know.
  • ronaldmcyd
    ronaldmcyd Posts: 54 Member
    Even though I have never been overweight (until recently) I have struggled with hypertension for as far back as I can remember. I tried for years to lower my blood pressure through my diet and exercise, but it didn't work and finally my doctor put me on a combination of meds. Then someone told me my blood pressure may be related to a potassium deficiency or too much sugar, No doctor has ever mentioned either of these things to me.

    I no longer have medical insurance and I'm worried about starting a new diet with out professional advice, but hopefully joining this site and tracking what I eat will help me open my eyes a little. And maybe some day get me off these pills
  • krythie
    krythie Posts: 84 Member
    Try the DASH meal plan. A lot of people, including members on this site, have used it successfully. Doctors love it, and it has been around a long time. Great for cardiac patients.
  • angelcop74
    angelcop74 Posts: 82 Member
    Even though I have never been overweight (until recently) I have struggled with hypertension for as far back as I can remember. I tried for years to lower my blood pressure through my diet and exercise, but it didn't work and finally my doctor put me on a combination of meds. Then someone told me my blood pressure may be related to a potassium deficiency or too much sugar, No doctor has ever mentioned either of these things to me.

    I no longer have medical insurance and I'm worried about starting a new diet with out professional advice, but hopefully joining this site and tracking what I eat will help me open my eyes a little. And maybe some day get me off these pills
    I'll second Krythie, and tell you Scott has been having great success with DASH. It is a bit too regimented for me, unfortunately.
    I'm sorry you dont have insurance. I dont either, which is why im here tracking and working out 4 times a week. I have to do it on my own. No smoking, no drinking, and almost never eat prepackaged foods. You can read my story at the top for more info, but i've gotten my BP down a lot since starting, and am getting in much better shape.
    I will tell you if you go back to the doc, check thyroid stuff. A client of mine has a thyroid disease and she said it causes high BP, HR, weight issues, hair loss, etc
  • HI THere,

    Am new to MFP......I am praying it will make a difference in not only how I look but how I feel. I have six children (one of whom which is only seven months old). All my pregnancies were uncomplicated except for baby six when I started having high blood pressure around 14 weeks. It started to climb slowly. Long story short............I went into the hospital and my bp spiked to the point I needed a magensium drip. Well, went home and thought my bp would most likely go back to normal after delivery only to find out later, after nearly passing out, that my bp was up to 180/95. I have been on six different medications and finally seems amlodopine works best for me. Well feel good but feel as though I want to get off this medication entirely. I don't want to be medication dependent especially for the rest of my life. I am definitely 50 pounds over what I should be. My desire with MFP is to lose weight and start seeing a gradual lowering of my bp whereas I can decrease the dosage over time. A doctor told me once that despite my losing weight and eating right my bp may remain high but I feel as though I need to try anyway. THANIKS
  • angelcop74
    angelcop74 Posts: 82 Member
    Hey Veronica i hope things are getting better for you! Have you had much luck changing your diet overall since Joining the site?
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I have. I make all fresh food basically. All my own sauces dressings and dips.
    I always take lunch to work and make sure I have had breakfast.
    I've lost about 30 lbs. (about 10lbs. short of target) and have kept my sodium below 1500 mg./day for the last 90 days at least.
    My original BP was 180/115.
    For the last 2 months it's been at or below 120/80.
  • chmorg
    chmorg Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm Cheryl. I'm 42. My doctor just told me Tuesday that I have one month to lower my blood pressure or else I should go on meds. I'm hoping that MFP will help me monitor what I eat so I can do that. I have known for a few months that my pressure has been above normal, but I attributed it to weight gain. Last year, I lost 25 lbs, and am now a normal weight for my height. Unfortunately, my pressure is still high. As in 160/106 at the doctor's office on Tuesday.

    My plan is to drastically cut sodium and caffeine. I already eat about 3 bananas per day so I'm sure I'm getting enough potassium. I also stopped my birth control pills in case they are contributing to the high blood pressure. I going to give yoga a try to see if that helps me relax.

    It's good to find this group. I like MFP, but wish the phone app would show sodium levels instead of just calories.
  • ronaldmcyd
    ronaldmcyd Posts: 54 Member

    My plan is to drastically cut sodium and caffeine. I already eat about 3 bananas per day so I'm sure I'm getting enough potassium. I also stopped my birth control pills in case they are contributing to the high blood pressure. I going to give yoga a try to see if that helps me relax.

    Hi Cheryl! increasing my potassium has made a huge impact on lowering my bp. I would suggest eating twice as much potassium as sodium. The actual numbers don't seem to matter as much as the ratio. And bananas are overrated... potatoes on the other hand.

    Once you start the meds, the doctors won't let you off even if you bp goes down
  • Greg3705
    Greg3705 Posts: 122 Member
    About 5 years ago I went to the dentist because I was having a toothache. As a typical guy as long as I was upright I avoided the doctor. Well I am sitting in the dentist chair and the tech checks my blood pressure. She asked me if I was on meds and I told her no. She leaves and comes back with the dentist and explains to me that my blood pressure was 190/100. They are looking at me in amazement that I am not having a stroke on site. The explain to me that I need to leave and head right to a doctor's office. At the time I was a pack a day cigarette smoker and weighed 330.

    It took my doctor a little while to find the right combination to keep my bp in control. Currently I take Lisinoproil, Amlodipine Besylate, a baby aspirin. I also have sleep apena and use a CPAP.

    A year ago I quit smoking cigarettes. A couple of times a week I have a cigar (i know I need to quit). So far I have loss 45 pounds in the last 6 months and only really got serious about sodium intake after using this site (foolishly I thought since I didn't add table salt to my food I had my sodium under control)

    At my last dr visit my bp was 118/77. The dr says in my follow up visit if the weight loss continues we can explore reducing some on the meds.
  • diverdiza
    diverdiza Posts: 82 Member
    At my last dr visit my bp was 118/77. The dr says in my follow up visit if the weight loss continues we can explore reducing some on the meds.
    Good for you Greg...!
  • awesome story Greg... way to go!!!
  • Adrian211
    Adrian211 Posts: 52 Member
    Well my story is kind of a mixed bag. I'm 6'2, and my highest weight was 354 lbs, and got down to 330 lbs before I started having heart palpitations at night that would wake me up out of sleep and cause my pulse to go up to 140. They thought it was an arrythmia. When they were taking my BP measurements at the cardiologists office, they were up to 166/119, or something ridiculous like that. I was eventually diagnosed with mild sleep apnea, and given a prescription for Bisoprolol. It also turns out I have a heart defect that contributes to the high blood pressure.

    So I had enough by this point. I'm 27, and I have to take a BP medication and a CPAP machine. This is crazy. So I made a point to change my life. I started cooking more and going to the gym. Just getting off my butt and trying to be active. Well after 10 months, I'm proud to say I've lost 52 lbs. I feel a lot better than I used to, but not quite where I need to be though. I think the important thing is to change your habits to something sustainable for the long term
  • just joined, had a stroke last week due to high blood pressure, numbed left arm and hand, face. scared the crap out of me, on meds and make appoointment with neurologist tomorrow, this happened on 1/2/13 stayed in hospital for 3 days. cutting way back on salt, checkinf bp 5 6 times day and still way over, when hospital 212 and kept staying between that and 160's, now 150' to 180's. need aal the suggestions i can get, and 50 lbs over weight also
  • Hi all, thanks for sharing your personal hypertension histories, struggles, tips, etc. I am a 56 y.o. man presently living a mostly sedentary life. I am 5'10" and weighed in this morning at 208. Five years ago, I was pretty fit at around 170#, working out regularly and on an Isagenix maintenance regime. But then we had another kid and I blew off the exercise routine plus arthritis set in -- I am now contemplating double hip replacement, and even walking as an exercise is difficult. So I was not surprised to learn six months ago from my GP that my BP was too high and it has only risen since then. It has been higher since them but this morning the reading was 161/93.

    i am *not* a pharma fan, so I want to try to bring it down through diet and natural methods and give them a chance before I consider going onto meds. I am open to ideas and want to learn from others' successes (and failures too). I am presently focusing on these things:
    - reducing sodium intake to the 1500 level
    - reducing caloric intake to the sub-1500 level
    - consuming herbs and other natural supplements that are known to be helpful in the treatment of hypertension.

    Today, I have re-started an Isagenix regime since it is consistent with these things and to track everything here on MFP. Please feel free to "friend" me.



  • My plan is to drastically cut sodium and caffeine. I already eat about 3 bananas per day so I'm sure I'm getting enough potassium. I also stopped my birth control pills in case they are contributing to the high blood pressure. I going to give yoga a try to see if that helps me relax.

    Hi Cheryl! increasing my potassium has made a huge impact on lowering my bp. I would suggest eating twice as much potassium as sodium. The actual numbers don't seem to matter as much as the ratio. And bananas are overrated... potatoes on the other hand.

    Once you start the meds, the doctors won't let you off even if you bp goes down

    Thanks for the Potassium advice, I will track that now. As for caffeine, which Cheryl says she plans to cut down on, the reading I have done does not indicate that there is any correlation between it and BP except in the very short term (like immediately after drinking a coffee). But drinking plenty of water, which would include non-caffeine teas, is important.
  • Hello! My name is Tiffany and I actually joined this group more for my husband than myself. December 5th 2012 we had a scare, my husband's blood pressure was SCARY high; I thought he was just having a panic attack (which *I* get frequently) and had him lay down and relax. Come to find out it wasn't -just- the panic attack it was also his BP.

    So long story short, my husband has high BP and is on pills for it, he also got tested for diabetes which results should come soon (highly likely he has it). I was hoping that this group would really help out with recipes and the like; it's really hard to find low sugar AND sodium.

    On another note, he weighed in the high 300's at the time but has been consistantly working out and is currently around mid-high 300s. :)
  • idahopacker
    idahopacker Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Tiffany, my name is Brian and I'm sorry to hear about your husband's high blood pressure issues. I hope we can be of some help but it sounds like you're already on the right track with exercise. Many health professionals have told me that exercise is the "magic bullet" for hypertension.

    Feel free to friend me.:smile: