If you like salsa and chips ...

Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
This may be right up your alley: http://www.thinkgeek.com/homeoffice/kitchen/ea21/?cpg=gplus

<3 ThinkGeek.


  • AiryM
    AiryM Posts: 51 Member
    That is one of my favorite shopping sites! I bought the star wars coffee once, I highly recommend it. =)
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I shop at ThinkGeek every Christmas. I always find something for every age group. lol.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    ThinkGeek is one of my favorite sites too! It's where I got the tee I'm wearing in my profile pic. :happy:
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    ThinkGeek is one of my favorite sites too! It's where I got the tee I'm wearing in my profile pic. :happy:

    I approve of your tee! I have way too many tees from TG. lol.
  • TurboChels
    TurboChels Posts: 69 Member
    Last Christmas my boyfriend got me a companion cube cookie jar and Portal cookie cutters ! They are awesome :) ThinkGeek is perfect I want to buy everything haha
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Chelsea, I am that way about TG, too! I always want to buy everything I see there!