Introduce yourself

Hi, I am BlackDiamondBarbie, moderator and Disney Dreamer. One day, I was surfing the web and found the runDisney site. I thought, "Wouldn't it be great to do that?" I kept on thinking about doing it, until about a week ago when I decided - Why think about doing it? What's wrong with doing this Marathon? I have nothing that will take away from my doing it, except my own laziness. So, here I am on MFP and having joined a gym today with a Personal Trainer to set me on the right path to obtaining that GOOFY medal. I am on my way to victory!

Share your stories and journey! We can tackle the Marathon together on race day!


  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Hi! I just registered for the half marathon. I was hoping we could revive this board to meet and encourage each other, and I would be interested in hearing about people's experiences who have done the race before.

    I'm living in Orlando at the moment and will probably only be here for 1 year, so thought it would be fun to do a Disney race to mark the occasion! I have been running for a few years but have never been interested in running a race before. I would like to find a 10K to do this fall to kind of work up to the half, but I at this point I am about 75% sure I can finish it!

  • djs113
    djs113 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi - My name is Dan and I live in Cambridge Massachusetts. I started running on and off in 2011 and decided in December to commit to be becoming a regular runner. I joined the 365 miles in 365 day group and started logging my miles. After a couple of months I decided to step it up and go for 730 miles in 365 days - I'm currently ay 536 for the year and I'm adding 15-20 miles a week. I decided to run the half marathon, and treat myself and my family to a trip to Disney. I signed up in July and I'm really looking forward to it. I hope that there will be a lot of MFPers running that day
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Hey guys,

    There are so many individual Disney groups that are inactive I thought it might be better to have a central runDisney group where people could discuss all the different races, so I started one (creatively titled runDisney). Hope to see you there!
