Insulin Pump.



  • tarakay84
    Hey everyone, it's been a while since I came on here.

    BUT, my HgbAIC was 6.2 last week! My pump has done absolute wonders for me!! I love it!! it took some getting use too, but i do really love it! it has been a life changer for sure!

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Fabulous news on getting a pump. You're going to love it. I've been pumping more years than I can remember. Started with a MiniMed many years ago and had several models. Then switched to Animas and now back to MiniMed. I plan on getting another Animas next summer. I miss that one very much.
  • Welcome to the club :). I've been on a pump for about 9 years, (started with a Deltec Cosmo), but went off it because I was getting a lot of blockages and annoyances that kept my A1C around the 8s. I got a Minimed pump (been on it for about 3 years now) and at first wasn't having good sugars mostly due to my own carelessness. Earlier this year, I had a bit of a scare (false positive albumin testing) and have since tried to control my blood sugars to the best of my abilities. My recent A1C was much lower! yay!