New to the Group

jparson714 Posts: 171 Member
I just wanted to introduce myself and say Hi! I have a DS who is 2.5 months old. I am EBF and seem to be struggling with the same questions as many of you seem to... how many calories should I consume and what to do about the sweet cravings... I'm looking forward to learning and growing with each of you.
Add me if you'd like... I'd love the support and love to give it too!


  • JayTee146
    JayTee146 Posts: 218 Member
    :happy: First Welcome! I know there is a broad range of allowing yourself 500 extra calories a day. some women may need the full 500 and some may not.

    For me personally when I first started I consumed the entire 500 extra calories given and now I barely use 200 extra... it's all about playing around with calories given until you find what works for you and also what won't hurt your supply...

    It was stressed to me the importance of drinking enough water and I have to do the same for you! Make sure if nothing else you're giving yourself the reccommended calories by mfp

    as for sweets... I LOVE CEREAL! I'd shout it to the mountian tops if I could HA HA! I often plan my meals and cook alot on sunday, as I work a full time job and cooking every night during the week get's to be a bit much with a 5 month old. by planning my meals I often see where I have extra calories and I plan what sweets (which on some days are alot) I"ll have.

    Best Of LUCK!! and we're here for you :wink: