Welcome! :)



  • Name: Jen
    Current weight: 184
    Goal weight: 135
    Average water intake per day: 6-7
    Average workout time per day: 15-30 min per day
    Biggest weight insecurity: Feeling like I'm being judged out in public by everyone
    Inspiration: To be able to wear a sundress or shorts and not feel ashamed
  • x_xChristine
    x_xChristine Posts: 6 Member
    Name : Christine
    Current weight: 154
    Goal weight: 121
    Average water intake per day: 1.5-2 L
    Average workout time per day: 60 mins or more
    Biggest weight insecurity: uhmm xD
    Inspiration: Summer 2012 look good in a bikini :P
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 540 Member
    Name DterMined2012; Cathy
    Current weight: 176 lbs
    Goal weight: 148-150
    Average water intake per day: 8 cups (most usually)
    Average workout time per day: 30 minutes
    Biggest weight insecurity: thighs
    Inspiration: beach vacation in July
    Anxious to get motivated!!! Thanks for the challenge :)
  • Name: Leah
    Current weight: 228
    Goal weight: 150
    Average water intake per day: approx. 32oz
    Average workout time per day: 40-60 mins 5 times per week
    Biggest weight insecurity: everywhere really, but mid-section especially
    Inspiration: To not hate looking in the mirror anymore.

    Have been working very hard for the past month but have only lost 4 pounds. Hoping a challege will keep me in check.
  • schoswife
    schoswife Posts: 5 Member
    Good Morning group:flowerforyou:
    Wow...most of you are already skinnier than me! but its all good, i'm on this journey & i've already lost 13 pounds since last month. I look forward to getting healthier & skinnier with u!

    Name: User - schoswife Real Name Alishia
    Current weight: 258.8
    Goal weight: 175
    Average water intake per day: Like 6-8
    Average workout time per day: 30 mins.- 1 hour
    Biggest weight insecurity: My bottom stomach & my legs;they are always together (i want them to separate & have 1 invite the other 1 over).
    Inspiration: Knees not hurting
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    Name: User-brittlynn07 Real Name Brittany
    Current weight: 235.6
    Goal Weight: 150
    Average water intake per day: like 3-4
    Average workout time per day: 30 mins
    Biggest weight insecurity: My butt and thighs
    Inspiration: To not feel insecure in everything I wear
  • rachelsholiday
    rachelsholiday Posts: 12 Member
    Hey everyone! I haven't gone through all the posts yet (somehow I think it will just make me scared to post, lol). But I'm really excited to be part of a group that will help me reach my goals.

    Name: rachelsholiday, Rachel
    Current weight: 154 lbs.
    Goal weight: 135 lbs
    Average water intake per day: I'm really bad at recording that on here, but I'd say probably 2-3
    Average workout time per day: 20 minutes
    Biggest weight insecurity: My belly, I just don't like how round it is.
    Inspiration: My husband and I are hoping to start trying for kids within the next year or two and I want to be in good shape (and a more healthy weight) before we start trying so that I can have an easier pregnancy and labor.
  • hellcatx
    hellcatx Posts: 17 Member
    Name: Hellcat/Annie
    Current weight: 197
    Goal weight: 150-155
    Average water intake per day: 6-8 glasses
    Average workout time per day:20-30 4 or 5 times a week
    Biggest weight insecurity: Muffin top, flabby arms
    Inspiration: Healthy BMI, fitness
  • pmhannon
    pmhannon Posts: 2 Member
    I need to get motivated again and ths sounds like a good plan :)

    Name: pmhannon - Real name - Patti
    Current weight: 190
    Goal Weight - 135
    Average Water intake per day 1-2 glasses
    Average workout time per day - 0 - 30 min.
    Biggest Weight insecurity - flabby arms and tummy.
    Inspiration: Healthy and look good in a pair of cute jeans.
  • nniimmcckk
    nniimmcckk Posts: 74 Member
    Hello all!

    Name: Nimck real name Nicky
    Current weight: 198
    Goal weight: 162 - 168
    Average water intake per day: 1.5 litre on a good day
    Average workout time per day: poor!
    Biggest weight insecurity: I have lower back problems and my weight and lack of fitness isn't helping
    Inspiration: I managed to get to my goal weight 3 years ago, hurt my back, now I'm back where I was ;(
    I know I can do it but need help with being consistent.
  • sooman10
    sooman10 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello I need a challenge to lose those few last pounds.

    Name user Sooman10 –Real- Morrine
    Current weight: 149
    Goal weight: 140
    Average water intake per day: 2-3
    Average workout time per day: 30 mins
    Biggest weight insecurity: loose weight around me stomach
    Inspiration: Looking lean and toned for summer.:smokin:
  • Hello All!
    Name: mrskrich2010 (Kelli)
    Current weight: 185.2
    Goal weight:120
    Average water intake per day:10 glasses
    Average workout time per day:30 minutes
    Biggest weight insecurity: stomach and thighs
    Inspiration: My 3.5 month old daughter and a sexy dress I wore in 2010!
  • Rohbean
    Rohbean Posts: 45 Member
    Name (username and if you want your real name too: Rohbean (Robin is my real name)
    Current weight: 198
    Goal weight: 165
    Average water intake per day: 4-5
    Average workout time per day: Starting today it will be 1 hour 3 or 4 times per week
    Biggest weight insecurity: Stomach, I guess
    Inspiration: My cousin who's lost a lot of weight by running. Also some of the stories by people here and another site that I'm on.
  • gezman
    gezman Posts: 10
    Name: User - gezman/Rob
    Current weight: 203
    Goal weight: 170
    Average water intake per day: 10 cups
    Average workout time per day: 1hr/18 holes of golf
    Biggest weight insecurity: MY BELLY
    Inspiration: Good health/good example for kids and grandkids
  • Name Just_me1988
    Current weight: 216
    Goal weight: 154
    Average water intake per day: 4-5 glasses
    Average workout time per day: 30 6 times a week, (hopefully more)
    Biggest weight insecurity: my belly i dont like how round it is.
    Inspiration: Looking good for meeting my boyfriends friends
  • brandiluharvey
    brandiluharvey Posts: 27 Member
    Name: brandiluharvey \ Brandi
    Current weight: 186
    Goal weight: 140
    Average water intake per day: 4-6 glasses
    Average workout time per day: 30-60 mins 5 times per week
    Biggest weight insecurity: Hips, Butt, Abdomin
    Inspiration: I have to look good for my daughters High School Graduation. I want to be able to take an awesome picture with my babygirl and have it hanging proudly in my living room. :happy:
  • Name rachelleask
    Current weight: 152.5
    Goal weight: 131
    Average water intake per day: 7 glasses
    Average workout time per day: 30, 3-4 days a week
    Biggest weight insecurity: legs. My husband is a runner/biker and in the military and I want to look as good as he does.
    Inspiration: Seeing ohers meet their goals. It inspires me to get off my butt and ignore that cookie
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    Name: snlperdue93; Lisa
    Current weight: 171 (as of today yay)
    Goal weight: 125-130
    Average water intake per day: 1 gallon
    Average workout time per day: 30-60 minutes (doing Jillian's Body Revolution)
    Biggest weight insecurity: Belly and arms; I have a T-frame and I am big breasted naturally, so the extra weight just makes me look huge up top
    Inspiration: My 4 kids, but mainly my 8 yr old daughter. She is a true mini-me and I want to set a good example for her so that she does not end up in my position. After having her, I could never lose the baby weight and never knew why. Finally started working with my OB/GYN 3 weeks ago to finally lose this weight and it turned out my body went into starvation mode because I was too busy with kids and college that I didn't eat.
  • WendySue75
    WendySue75 Posts: 98 Member
    I AM SO EXCITED!! This is gonna work, I can feel it!!!

    Name (username and if you want your real name too: Wendysue75 aka Wendy
    Current weight: 160.2
    Goal weight: 140.0
    Average water intake per day: 8 or more cups, I pretty much only drink water
    Average workout time per day: 90 min daily (30 Day shred in a.m (28 min). / 45 min. walk @ lunch & 1 mile at break time
    Biggest weight insecurity: bulging stomach and flabby underarms :(
    Inspiration: To be Healthy and fit for active longevity.... Being able to lose the weight & maintain for life. For myself, my husband & my daughters!!
  • chiera88
    chiera88 Posts: 155
    Name : chiera
    Current weight: 142-146 haha
    Goal weight: 132 at most
    Average water intake per day: 6 cups
    Average workout time per day: 50 mins/4days a week
    Biggest weight insecurity: belly
    Inspiration: the amazing body i used to have 2 years ago!