Frusterated, sad, and off program...

runfrommygenes Posts: 83
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
I am so frusterated that I am having a hard time staying motivated... THAT IS NOT ME.... I am typically all in... no matter what... but maybe since it has been a few years playing with the same 5 pounds... I have had it!!!!!!

I sort of feel like... WELL, I am going to be laid up soon with surgery, so why try....
EVEN THOUGH I know that this time is the most important to stay on top of eating!!!

I AM UP 3 freaking pounds... in fact I am the highest I have been in a long time.... :-O

This angers me... makes me sad.... makes me mad.... Makes me wanne eat chocolate!!!

I also am getting my period... (spotting and bleeding light since saturday....) This makes me mad also... I am getting a HYST on tuesday next week... my bleeding will probably STOP the day before the darn surgery!!! Which means less sex before we can have NO sex.... THIS MAKES ME MAD TOO!!!

I guess I am just mad! AND my therapist I have been seeing for a few month, closed her doors... UGH!!!

OK, thanks for letting me vent!!!


  • I so understand. I just had a full hyst in January, so I can relate. What I can tell you from my experience in recovering, was that I had to put away that drive to loose weight, and focus on healing. It's a difficult thing to do, but I had to come to a place of acceptance that I would probably gain weight during recovery, and that I will have time post recovery to lose. Resting the suggested amount of time is vital, because it can drag out your recovery time. I had to force myself to just rest, even though it made me a little nuts at times.

    What I've experienced post surgery, is low energy - it's a healing thing, which I've read can take some time. I'm 8 weeks post surgery, but haven't started back to exercising - going back to work has been enough of an increase in movement for the time being. I think I'll start back slowly next week.

    Hang in there, it will get better. Best wishes and prayers for your surgery and recovery.
  • Thanks Cate.
    I know I will have to really watch what I eat while laid up since I am a bored eater! I really need to focus on choosing low cal foods to munch on when I feel like eating!
    This not being able to lose weight before surgery is what is really frusterating me!
    I will keep the group updated!
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