
LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
Who are you? What is your long-term, MFP goal? Why? What are you going to do to get there?


(Also, I'm Ruth! What happpened to the signatures here? LOL)


  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi! I'm Corinne...My long term MFP goal is to lose 30-35 pounds, putting me about 130, I'm 5'1 so I feel this is a good goal. I also want to be able to run a 10K in the future. I recently started running and am planning on running 5-6 days a week and doing 2-3 strength training. :)
  • epcorne
    epcorne Posts: 59 Member
    Hi! I'm Emily. My MFP goal is to become more aware of what I'm putting into my body and lose get down between 115-120. I am more concerned with how I look than what the scale says...so I am switching up cardio routines and adding strength training to my workouts to try and tone up. My boyfriend and I want to run a marathon next year, so we're entering in some races this summer and fall to prepare!
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    Hi! I'm Alissa. I've been on my journey to lose 60 pounds for a little over a month now. The scale isn't moving much, but the inches are falling off. I eat as cleanly as possible and exercise at least 5 days a week for at least an hour per day. I'd like to become a runner, and I'm starting a heavy lifting program soon.
  • equinehugger3
    equinehugger3 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi! I'm Ellie, and I've been doing the "fitness thing" for about 2 years. The first year, I got really toned and lost about 15 pounds, but then I got a contusion on my elbow, and lost my grasp on things. Since then, I've gotten more physically active with cardio, but when you add a whole lot more eating and take away the toning, that doesn't equal weight loss. So, anyway, my longterm MFP goal is to lose however much I need to to get to my ideal body, and get much more fit while doing it! Why? I want to be confident and look good, and at this point I'm always wearing a baggy sweatshirt to cover my bump. I'm going to teach myself that just 'cause it's there, it doesn't mean I have to eat it! I'm gonna get past the mental wall and try to do stuff I've never thought I could do.

    Whoo, just writing that got me motivated!
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    Oh, I guess I should spill.

    I'm Ruth. I lost 62 pounds last year and got awesome! I've gained about a size back since late last year and I need to rededicate myself to getting to my ultimate goal, which is 35 pounds away. I'm going back to living at the gym and religiously logging everything I consume. I'm not unhappy with where I am now, but I will be SO thrilled if I can get to goal weight. Let's do this!
  • healthymel7704
    Hi, I'm Melissa. I have tried to lose weight hundreds of times, it seems, and I always quit. I've been back at it for about 3 weeks and am starting to feel great. I have about 80-90 pounds to lose to get to my ultimate goal weight. I want to be more active for my daughter and do races with my husband.

    I look forward to getting to know you all.
  • keeks8281
    keeks8281 Posts: 53
    Hi, my name is Kim. I've been on MFP since last July, and have lost about 16 pounds since then. There have been a few times that I've gotten off track since joining though. My highest weight ever was 210 lbs. in about 2005. I'm currently 169/170. My ultimate goal weight would be 145-150. Since January 1 of this year I haven't made much progress. Ready for that to change! I WILL see my goal weight in 2012! :happy:

    Glad to have friends along the way. Feel free to add me!