To God be ALL the Glory

Hello all!! I love the Lord so much. I am currently going thru a trial and I must say I know He loves me. Well, I have been trying to lose weight all my life and now I must say with God on my side I have lost 29lbs so far and I know it was because of Him giving me the will power to stay away from certain foods. I love love sweets and I have not had sweets in almost two months. I do understand that it is ok but I know me and I if I start I can't stop. I basically joined this group to get some Christian encouragement. All encouragement is good but it is nothing like the word of God. I would like to become friends with some of you as well. I believe I am an excellent encourager and I feel that I could use all of the encouragement I can get as well. I look forward to meeting you guys and I know that by faith,even though we may not see it now, we will be the healthy temples God has created us to be. May God continue to keep you!!
