Hi Yall! a little about me and my plan

My name is Melissa and I just joined this group. I am hoping that we can all be supportive of each other and help motivate each other. Here is a little about me and why I am here...
I am about to turn 28 this month, (which I like to call "Melissapalooza" lol) I have been married for 1 year and 5 months. I never started gaining weight of course until I moved in with my husband 3 years ago. I never allow my husband to see me naked anymore, and well that kind of hurts the sex life...which also hurts the baby making process...I hate the way I look but thats why I am here, to get in shape and get that once upon a time body back. I want my husband to look at me the way he used to.
So here is what my plan has been...Last month I managed to lose a little over 20 pounds...it started with a sudden stomach flu :) It's funny how losing a few pounds because you are vomiting 24/7 will motivate you to continue losing. so thank you germs for the head start! not that condone that method I was legit sick. anyways, so I started eating Rice Cakes for breakfast, snacks lunch and a large salad at dinner. Thats it! I do cheat sometimes on the weekends, but I am finding out its really hard to go back to dieting on Mondays, so I have to get the strength to turn down that rack of ribs or mashed potatos or gigantic bowl of pasta :( The other thing I have done this past month, is that I am wearing a water weight belt thing around my waist all day! I got it at Walmart in the work out section for about 5 bucks. It is amazing!!!!! Seriously not only does it hold your tummy in but it drains all that excess water off your mid section as you move throughtout the day. I have gone down a good 3 paints sizes because of it.
So thats what I did in February to lose 20 lbs. Now I have gotten to that point to where if I am going to continue to lose I need to excercise! ahhhhhh! So I found an excercise routine that seriously only takes a few minutes but it is rough, I did 1 set for the first time a few minutes ago and couldnt even consider the second and third set. I will post the routine later if anyone is interested in doing it with me???? I am going to continue to eat my rice cakes and salad, but I am getting sick of them...Can anyone suggest some healthy and yummy foods to make? Since I am married I still need to feed my husband and I am finding that its too hard to cook for him and not eat it!!! So I'd love some recipies if anyone has a tried an true method??? I hope this wasnt too much info!!! I just really am excited to start this and if I have someone else to talk to, I think I will be more motivated to keep at this and maybe someone else will be too! I look forward to getting to know everyone!!!
Have a great day it's beautiful here in Georgia today!


    SMT4ALB Posts: 4
    Hi Melissa, and welcome! Thanks for joining! First of all, I'm glad you're feeling better! :D I love that you're having success with the water weight belt....I'm going to Wal Mart after the gym today to get one!! As for food suggestions, I very lucky to have my boyfriend along the way in this weight loss journey, and our kids haven't even noticed the little changes in the way I'm making meals! We don't fry anything anymore, and I'm making much smaller portions for us. We stay away from refined sugars as much as possible, and eat whole wheat everything. The main thing to remember is that you want to get around 33-40% of your total daily calorie intake in the morning, and distribute the rest as evenly as possible in 4-5 smaller meals a day. It's hard, but your body WILL thank you for it! :D I'd love to hear about your exercise routine! My trainer has me doing a variety of things to keep me from getting bored!