Saddle recommendations

johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
I plan to purchase a new road bike saddle this spring so I'm interested in recommendations. I am a recreational rider not a racer so I'm more interested in comfort than weight. It will be going on a Specialized Roubaix. The Cobb saddles have caught my attention but also Selle Italia, Fizik, etc. Any thoughts?


  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I should add that the Specialized Avatar 143 that came on the bike caused numbness in my right leg after 25 miles or so. I'm currently using a Forte that isn't great but at least doesn't cause numbness
  • bethlikesbikes
    John, Do you have a good Specialized dealer near you? Most will have test saddles that you can borrow and use for a longer ride. You can usually try Fiziks at dealers as well. I know a lot of people, myself included, who love the Specialized Toupe. Just remember that you can't tell if a saddle will worked based on it looks or by sitting on it in a shop. You must spend a few (or 50) intimate miles together.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Is the avatar the right size for you? Are you using a chamois?

    I have a toupe on my road bike... it's great so far.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I'm riding in Pearl Izumi Elite shorts with excellent chamois. I don't really know if the Avatar fits me properly since it is just what came on the bike. My mtb has a WTB Speed V saddle that is great (but seems that it would be too bulky for a road bike.)
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Heya John. Several years ago, I bought a Selle An-Atomica Titanico and have not looked back since then. I have them on all my bikes. They are pure leather, no plastic layer anywhere, and they conform to your body and "break in" over the years and the miles. I swear by them, and so do a few of my friends who use the same saddle. But buying--and liking--a saddle are very personal choices it seems. I have another friend who tried it and decided it just wasn't for him. If you can get your hands on one to try before you buy you might like it, or do what I did and just take the plunge. For the first 500 miles or so it may seem a little bit too firm, but maybe not. For me it was, because I was coming from riding a recumbent, lol.

    Their website is

    I just cannot say enough about this saddle. Most of the reviews you read if you google it will turn up tremendously positive. I absolutely love mine. Good luck and happy riding no matter what you choose man!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Hi sword, thanks! Man that thing looks stiff!
  • bethlikesbikes
    If you go to a Specialized dealer they can "measure" your sit bones to see what size saddle fits you correctly. I don't know many people who are sitting on the same saddle that came on their bike. Saddles are such a personal thing.

    There are two basic saddle shapes, pear and T- shape. Many of Specialized's saddles are T-shaped. Actually, I explain this all in a blog post I did!
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    Saddles are SO personal. They really are. Just because a person likes one saddle doesn't mean it will work for you. Just go into your local bike shop and have them try out ones that you like, ride around with it, and if it's a bike shop worth their salt, they will take it back and exchange it if you find that you don't like it.
  • diddidit
    diddidit Posts: 18
    You don't need a good saddle - you need a good bike shop, with lots of saddles to demo...
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    You can't go far wrong with a Brooks saddle (Brookes?), even the entry level ones as they mould themselves to 'fit'!
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    You don't need a good saddle - you need a good bike shop, with lots of saddles to demo...

    Except when that bike shop doesn't carry the saddle that works best for a person. :bigsmile:
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I'm still checking in here because I have not made a purchase yet. Probably will buy within a month ;not rushing since it is still early in the season. I might add that I have been riding for many years and have used many saddles. But what used to work for me now is uncomfortable. Maybe it's age. Currently I am seriously considering a Fizik. I can't remember the name right now but in their marketing scheme it is the one for less flexible riders. Anyone have experience with this one ore any Fizik? Oh, and bike shops are a bit of a challenge. I live thirty five miles from the closest one and it's another thirty to the next one, a Specialized dealer where I bought my bike.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Fizik Aliante is the one I'm seriously considering.
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    Brook saddle is an amazing thing, no sore spots and it molds to you.
  • bjc101
    bjc101 Posts: 25 Member
    Bought a Reactive Serfas saddle about two weeks ago. So far, I really like it, only about $35. I realize there are real nice leather saddles for a lot more money, but this one works well for me.
  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    Saddle are a personal thing, I had a fizik Arione on my road bike, at one point I thought my bum was going to break. I had it on my bike for better part of a year and did the Melbourne " round the bay 210km " on it . I then went and bought a Selle Italia Max flite gel, this has been one of the most comfortable saddles I have ever used.

    The cut out goes a long way to prevent numbness in the nether regions plus it is a comfortable saddle.

    Probable the best advice to give is to make sure that the width of the saddle is the right size for you. Nothing like riding on a saddle that is too narrow or too wide.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,685 Member
    Not only are saddles a very personal thing (in fact it's hard to think of anything on a bike apart from the chamois in your shorts that gets MORE personal) but what suits can be a bit of a moveable feast. For years, my saddle of choice was the old classic Cinelli "Unicanitor" - pretty much the first plastic bodied leather covered saddle out there.


    Then, I swapped for a Concor san marco...


    which was on my Harry Quinn 753 that was stolen from my van... Next bike had a Flite Titanium which I pretty much standardised on for all my road bikes for quite a while...


    Though the touring bike got a "belgian sofa" - otherwise known as the "Rolls"


    Probably the most comfortable saddle I've ridden on, providing I'm riding mainly on the tops. If I need to get down and "dig in" a bit, it's fine for a while, then starts to make it's presence known

    So recently, when I came back to riding, I started with the rolls, Until I started giving it "the beans" a bit more. So - I tried a Specialised Alias 143 - which I hated - kept getting things caught in the hole in the saddle. I was glad when I hit a pothole and the rails bent. Badly. So that's scrapped. Then I fitted a fizik Arione, which again I quite liked at first, but the nose of the saddle was very sharp, and when I had a "over the bars" moment last year, the pointy bit made contact with my back and scratched a lump out, before kissing the tarmac, and snapping the nose clean off... I did however like the overall shape, and purchased a planet-x Arione clone, which was 95% the same shape, but not as sharp at the front.

    However - since this purchase, I've lost 120lb, and the upholstery around my backside is somewhat changed. I'm now finding that the Planet-X is less comfortable, and I'm thinking very seriously about climbing up into the loft and seeing if I can dig out a Flite from somewhere...
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Thanks everyone! I still haven't pulled the trigger on a purchase yet; I work for a nonprofit and I'm way behind on receiving paychecks (like three months behind and falling even farther behind!) So that gives me lots of time to contemplate the purchase. Clearly saddle preference is highly personal but if I had local cycling friends (I don't) I would be talking with them about their saddles so that is kind of what I am doing here, just getting thoughts and opinions.

    My last couple of saddles have had cutouts and I am leaning towards trying a saddle without one. I find that the inner edge of the cutout is bothering me, though it was fine up until now. But the Selle Italia Max Flite does look interesting even though it has the cutout. The Flite Titanium is also interesting. My closest lbs carries Fizik so I may rent a Fizik Aliante without cutout and see how I like it. If I like it the rent goes towards the purchase and if I don't then at least I haven't laid out the whole purchase price to find out.

    Thanks again to all! I’m still listening if anyone has more to add.
  • Tracey_Smith
    The BF had a Fizik Arione and absolutely loved it until he bought a new Rido saddle. He's done several 100 mile plus irdes since he bought it and he thinks it's the best thing ever. I tried loads of saddles and finally went with a Sella Italia Diva saddle, specially made for the ladies and it's worth every single penny. Not cheap but worth it's weight in gold.

    It's a bit like the princess and frog thing, you have to try loads before you find the saddle of your dreams (Unless you're very, bery lucky and get one first time of asking) xx
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    They are so individual, it's pointless for me to make a recommendation. Only thing I will say it that BROOKS are loved my many and loathed by at least an equal number (myself included). Like an instrument of medieval torture!