Another newbie!

twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
Hi ladies! As soon as I saw the description of this group, I knew I had to join!

I'm 42, married SAHM of two sets of twins (ages 5 and 7). My kids keep me pretty busy and I struggle with trying to find time to take care of myself. An example, today I was desperate to get some exercise in so I took the kids to the park and did walk/sprint intervals around the playground while they played. I just have to be creative, I guess.

I lost 35 pounds last year but ultimately ended up gaining another 20 back. Totally bummed and disappointed but I'm determined to finally get this baby weight off and keep it off!

Feel free to add me as a friend if you like! I hope I can find some much needed motivation here and I promise to do the same for you all!



  • bluegrass_girl
    bluegrass_girl Posts: 11 Member
    :wink: I just joined too! Journaling everything I eat is a real eye opener! Welcome and I hope we can be friends and motivate each other!:smile:
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Thank you! And thanks for the friend request!
  • seguess
    seguess Posts: 36 Member
    I'm new, too! My name is Suzanne and I live in Iowa. My husband and I don't have any two-legged children, but we do have 2 four-legged children (dogs). About 8 years ago, I had a miserable job where I reported to a miserable VP. I dealt with it by many trips to the vending machine. Coke and Snickers were my drugs of choice, and I gained 50 lbs. Since then, I've lost only about 10 lbs. max and always gained it back. My doctor gave me a little shock therapy and said that if I didn't do something to take better care of myself, then I would end up with type 2 diabetes. BUMMER.

    A year ago, I started an exercise program and ditched 25 lbs. However, I hit a plateau and am trying to drop the other 25. I hired a nutrition coach who is kicking my butt and getting me on the right path again. She's great.

    I am an avid reader and also play alto sax in a swing band. :smile: Also hoping to make some new friends through this group.
  • seguess
    seguess Posts: 36 Member
    :wink: I just joined too! Journaling everything I eat is a real eye opener! Welcome and I hope we can be friends and motivate each other!:smile:

    OMG isn't it an eye opener?! Sometimes it makes me squint..."Did I REALLY just eat that?" :frown:
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Hi ladies and welcome. I hope you will feel free to post topics on here about anything that affects us 40 somethings. Good luck :flowerforyou: