March Challenge! 3/4-3/10

March Challenge: Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes each day! Two rest days are allowed each week.

(I'll be back tonight to post my exercise for today!)


  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 253 Member
    Sounds like a plan to me! Will check in everyday!
  • K_Pow
    K_Pow Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in as well. Gonna have to add my own exercises though as I'm only doing the 30 Day Shred (mon-fri) which are only 20 mins.
  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 253 Member
    Gotten an hour of cardio in so far. Plan on doing my strength workout before dinner after work. Will check back in later.
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    The 30 day shred is only 20 minutes?! ... I have that DVD, I think I did that workout once.... felt a lot longer then 20 mins! LOL! That was the last time I was on a diet and I am way too out of shape for the shred, but I plan to get there soon! :) Glad to have you join us!!

    Okay so yesterday I went for a 30 minute walk. For those of you who don't know I am WAY out of shape physically. I just had a baby 8wks ago and just before that I was going through cancer treatments so when I say I am out of shape, I mean I am OUT of shape! LOL! Not for long though! :happy:
  • liljgrafix
    liljgrafix Posts: 177
    Amazing.. i did ripped in 30 today as well as "from couch to 5k"
  • K_Pow
    K_Pow Posts: 64 Member
    March 6, 2012

    Did Level 2 (Day 3) of the 30DS this morning (20 minutes) and then added in 10 mins of squats, lunges, push ups and crunches.

    Take that Jillian Michaels!! :smile:
  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 253 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing amazingly so far. Keep up the great work!
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Everyone is doing great!!

    Yesterday I didn't get in any exercise, the day just got away from me. I wish I were a morning person, I'd start working out in the morning. Then I would be sure to get it in. However with the baby and the toddlers I never know how my morning is going to go anyway. So yesterday will have to count as one of my rest days.

    My plan today is to get in a workout video when DH gets home. (Not sure which one yet)
  • Tara_Carter
    Hi- I am new to the board but I will be starting the challenge tomorrow! I worked out with wii fit 55 minutes yesterday, but nothing today. I am new to the diet/exercise routine and am finding it VERY challenging!! It is great to see everyone supporting one another.
  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 253 Member
    I am hoping to get my workout in today. I got stuck running a Girl Scout cookie booth last night for 3 hours. So no workout. Sigh! And I will be doing it again tomorrow night. I will be so happy when cookie time is over this coming weekend! Hoping everyone else is having a great day!
  • K_Pow
    K_Pow Posts: 64 Member
    March 7, 2012

    Up at crazy o'clock this morning (5am) and did level 2 of the 30DS (20 mins) followed by 10 mins of my own squats, lunges, pushups, crunches and butt kicks. I feel like I am on a roll this week :)

    Keep up the great job ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Tophersgirl89 welcome to the group!!

    smsinger~ Oh to be stuck at a GS cookie booth for that long, the temptation! LOL!

    Kpower~ I think you earn extra credit for working out at 5am!! :)

    I am eagerly awaiting my husband getting home from work so I can go out and get in a nice LONG walk in this beautiful weather! ... and praying I don't lose the motivation before then. LOL! :)
  • Handbanana06
    Handbanana06 Posts: 41 Member
    Sunday-3/4-Insanity-Final fit test=30 Minutes
    Moday- 3/5 -Turbo Fire-(Fire 30 and stretch 10), Couch to 5k 30 and walking for 15 =95 Minutes
    Tuesday-3/6- Turbo Fire( HIIT 15 and Stretch 10), Couch to 5k for 30 = 55 Minutes
    Wednesday-3/7 Turbo Fire 30, couch to 5k 35, couch to 5k 20 and walking 25=110
  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 253 Member
    Way to go, banana!!! That is awesome!

    I got my workout in yesterday. Walking on treadmill - 60 minutes and weight training - 20 minutes. Did chest and triceps yesterday so I am pretty sore today. But feel great!

    Hoping everyone is having a great week!
  • K_Pow
    K_Pow Posts: 64 Member
    Great job ladies!

    Feel like I'm starring in a episode of Groundhog Day.

    March 8, 2012
    Level 2 of 30DS (20 mins) followed by 10 mins of squats, lunges, pushups, crunches and butt kicks---looking forward to some much needed gym time this weekend :)
  • Handbanana06
    Handbanana06 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you! The warm weather my area has been having is making it easier to stay motivated and be active outside! I love it!

    It looks like you are doing really good too, Let's both keep up the good work!
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 300 Member
    30 DS is 27 minutes all levels are i think I did 50 minutes 45 minute banish fat boost metabolism and arm exercises i aim for 50-75 minutes of exercise daily I take no days off usually.
    My name is Christina I am a SAHM to 7 kids I am about 65 pounds overweight now Id like to lose 85 Im at 215 now I eat well now I track every bite i eat I am doing scale less and will measure myself every 2 weeks I live in south Florida
    I cant think of anything else
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Handbannana~ You are doing great!!

    Smsinger~ Don't you love when feeling sore feels great!! Great job!!

    kpower~ I had to laugh at your Groundhogs Day comment! With doing the same exercises mostly and my menu not being too far off most days either I knwo EXACTLY what you mean! LOL!

    Christina~ 7 kids, awsome! I am a SAHM to 3, and I am exhausted! LOL! I am with you on weighing in less, the number just trips me up too much.

    I got my walk in yesterday as planned and tonight I was SO VERY ACTIVE with the kids and all the running around that I did, that I am going to count that as my activity for tonight. Seriously this is the first I have sat down all day. I am beat!

    Our group is rocking ladies, lets keep it up!!
  • Tara_Carter
    yesterday 40 minutes of Zumba! Feeling GREAT! Yesterday was the first day that I really pushed myself to exercise... and today I am feeling more energetic and like I am ready to take on the world! It has definitely improved my mood and stress levels! :)
  • K_Pow
    K_Pow Posts: 64 Member
    Today was a bit of a rest day...Only did Level 2 of Shred with no extra. Tomorrow and Sunday will be bigger cardio days so I'm not worried about not getting enough activity in.

    Is there anyone out there who aren't taking any rest days?? My plan is to do Shred Mon-Fri and then cardio days at the gym on Saturday & Sunday (cycling, running or doing a cardio class). The odd weekend I may take Sunday off but it won't be every weekend.

    Keep up the fantastic job ladies!