Personal Goals: March

My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
I just checked how i did on my personal February goals (not so hot :ohwell: )

Thought I'd start a thread for March. Here are my goals

1. Exercise goal....Complete my 3-2-1 challenge all weeks. (We have to burn 3x our weight 3 days, 2x 2 days, 1x, 1 day)
2. Sugar goal.... Again, 150g's over or less for the whole month. Climbed back on the wagon last week, so maybe I'll reach it this month. B-day cake stay away from me!
3. Protein/Carb Goal... I'm trying to get more protein/less carbs. Right now my protein is under 25% for the week and my carbs are usually around 40% (or higher). This month, I want my protein to be over 30% and my carbs under 35% (we will deal with the fat thing in the future lol)
4. Weight Goal.... To be in the 150's (yes, 159.9 counts!) by Easter (April 8th). I am currently 164.8.

What are YOUR goals?


  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    For March I would like to:

    Keep rockin with my exercise. Strive for 1 hour continuous sessions.
    Drop to 159.99. (my scale only measures every 2/10ths so, let's make that 159.8.)
    Accomplish my 5th 5k. (signed up for one March 10th)
    Go on a date with Edward Cullen. (sorry Bella)

    Oh, yah and win the lottery!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,353 Member
    March goals:

    Keep losing although I reset to only lose a half pound a week (after accidently setting it to gain a half pound instead, lol).

    Workout at least 4 times a week.

    Complete the Mad Ab March challenge.

    Keep drinking 8 glasses of water every day.

    Finish reading The Hunger Games. I think I'll manage -- I'm on the last chapter.

    Give my hubby a birthday gift he actually likes (that will take a miracle).

    Marching into the new month!
  • Basically my march goal is to achieve my march goal weight of 210lbs.... Also to kick it up a notch with the exercising...... Im considering taking up jogging once weather gets warmer, that will probably be in a summer challenge some where. lol.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    My goals for March are:

    Continue to strive for daily exercise, even if it's 15 minutes. I hope to do this at least 4-5 times per week.

    Add weights/strength training to my workouts.

    Hit my weight loss goal to get under 180 so I will no longer be in the obese category for my height.

    Go to bed earlier and get more sleep. This is really hard for me and so far I'm not doing so hot with this goal.

    Watch the first half of Breaking Dawn as many times as possible. I'm having a hard time finding time to watch it.:grumble:
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    For March I would like to:

    Keep rockin with my exercise. Strive for 1 hour continuous sessions.
    Drop to 159.99. (my scale only measures every 2/10ths so, let's make that 159.8.)
    Accomplish my 5th 5k. (signed up for one March 10th)
    Go on a date with Edward Cullen. (sorry Bella)

    Oh, yah and win the lottery!

    Just stake Bella's @$$! I'll sharpen one for you.... LOL... Although do stakes work in the TwiWorld?
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 234 Member
    March goals....
    Win the Twilight goodies :) lol

    I would like to lose 7.4 lbs and break my plateau!
    Continue exercising, and training for my 10K race coming up in May
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    March goals: I still have issues getting in my 8 glasses of water, so be more consistent with that. Quit making excuses about working out, despite the fact I still think the excuse I used this morning was a very valid one (i woke up in the middle of the night, got up to go to the bathroom & promptly fell directly on my fat behind. My left leg had completely given out & I couldn't stand on it at all) Try to get 5 servings of fruits/veggies in at least 2-3 times a week, and get below 250. I swear I have a mental block about getting below that, I've been close twice in the past few months & seem to fall off the wagon
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    For March I would like to:

    Keep rockin with my exercise. Strive for 1 hour continuous sessions.
    Drop to 159.99. (my scale only measures every 2/10ths so, let's make that 159.8.)
    Accomplish my 5th 5k. (signed up for one March 10th)
    Go on a date with Edward Cullen. (sorry Bella)

    Oh, yah and win the lottery!

    Just stake Bella's @$$! I'll sharpen one for you.... LOL... Although do stakes work in the TwiWorld?

    Even if a stake doesn't work in TwiWorld, I really appreciate your offer of help! Maybe we could twist her limbs off and burn them in a giant bonfire and have a marshmallow and weenie roast afterwards. All our Twi friends are invited!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    For March I would like to:

    Keep rockin with my exercise. Strive for 1 hour continuous sessions.
    Drop to 159.99. (my scale only measures every 2/10ths so, let's make that 159.8.)
    Accomplish my 5th 5k. (signed up for one March 10th)
    Go on a date with Edward Cullen. (sorry Bella)

    Oh, yah and win the lottery!

    Just stake Bella's @$$! I'll sharpen one for you.... LOL... Although do stakes work in the TwiWorld?

    Even if a stake doesn't work in TwiWorld, I really appreciate your offer of help! Maybe we could twist her limbs off and burn them in a giant bonfire and have a marshmallow and weenie roast afterwards. All our Twi friends are invited!

    Stake = Marshmallow Stick???? Yes! I do believe that will work! Can we take out Rosalie while we are at it? Emmett is soooo mine!