What's happening in your life?



  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    You are really doing great Punki, :love: You are an inspiration for everyone to keep on keeping on. :drinker: BTW, your ticker is so pretty. I like the 21lb lost part of it.:bigsmile: I agree, it is nice to post and keep each other motivated. This new thing I'm trying is a rest week for me from exercise. Next week I will go back to my usual. What my back and knees will tolerate. I'm sort of pumped as I lost a pound after no loss for 2 months. (Darn Thyroid). I'm keeping a positive attitude.

    It's amazing how 1 pound makes such a difference in the fit of your clothes. Especially in the waist. I'm the apple type. I think genetics plays a part in all this.

    We have company coming tonight for dinner. I am fixing a Pork Loin Roast, Mashed Sweet Potato with Cinnamon, A mixture of Brocoli, Carrots, Cauliflower, Water Chestnuts, and Mushrooms and some fresh Applesauce. Apple pie for desert with Cheddar Cheese. I probably will stay away from the Applesauce and Apple Pie/Cheddar. Oh, French bread too. That I will have. Our company likes this combination. I know this as we have done dinner a lot together. This will be colorful and filling without being bad for MY eating.:drinker: I have to be a little selfish.:blushing:

    You have a nice evening and wonderful Friday the 13th. I like the 13th as I was born on a 13. :wink:

  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    :love: Good Morning,

    Ginny I hope your dinner party was fun, Your menu looks yummy. You are so supportive and I have to thank you for always having an encouraging word. There are days your WTG makes me GO! Punki, your consistency is truly helping others. I am in a stuck place and your finally losing those 2 pounds made me feel it will happen for me, too. If I just keep logging and increasing my exercise. My Dr. says, if I am not losing to look for a stray 100 or 200 calories that are sabotaging my plan . I guess my Sherlock skills are not great. :ohwell: This site and the group has really helped my determination.( G- I should think of that thyroid ,too)

    Still want to loose 40 pounds by Oct 1st when I hope to vacation with my cousins. Even if my snails pace loss continues. But I think I found a new goal.. Last night, I attended a reception and author talk to benefit our Library Foundation. I only ate a piece of cheese and slice of apple and passed on the wine, so I did okay resisting the goodies. Just chatted with atendees and forgot the temptations. The author was so entertaining. I attended with a gal from my book club. As we sat listening, I noticed my friend sitting with her legs crossed. How long has it been since I have been able to do that...I thought what a fun goal to be able to sit comfortably and cross my legs!!!!!!!! So there is a mini -goal! Here's to leg crossing (Please don't say it's bad for circulation) and being able to do it.:happy:

    The big storm seems to have stopped...think I will try to snooze a bit - it is too early to be up.

    Have a good day. Go team!!! :drinker:
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Hi Steppingstone,

    Thank you for asking, we had a great time. We haven't seen each other for a few years but used to get together all the time. We both moved but have kept in touch.

    I noticed that you said you were stuck on your weight loss. I was too. 12 lost and no progress for what? 2 months? Last Monday I started a new idea in eating for myself. I posted it on another group I'm in and copied it below for you if you are interested.

    Mon 04/09/12 08:24 PM
    Hi All,

    Ok, 2 months and the scale has not moved. I am so frustrated.:grumble: I have been told that I am eating too few calories. I eat 1250 to 1300 per day with 40 minutes a day of exercise. So here goes. I found a group called "Eating for the Future You." Now this may not work for me or for anyone else, but I have to give it a try.:smile:

    I would like to weigh about 150 pounds give or take....at least that is my goal for now..... I am older than most on here so I cannot do a lot of exercise because of previous sports injuries etc. Knees replaced and now my back is bone on bone in the Lumbar region. Long story short, what this amounts to is, in order to maintain 150 pounds my calories would be 1600 calories a day with about 30 minutes of stationary bike and walking the dogs around my acreage with a small hill for about 10 minutes, 4 days a week. Same exercise I do now.

    It seemed complicated to me to figure out at first but the person that started the group helped me. There is a spreadsheet with the figures to enter that work it out. After seeing what he did It makes sense now. So, I will start out raising my calories a little at a time so I won't undo the weight I've lost and I will end up eating 1600 a day. An average of 11,200.00 calories a week.

    I'm telling you about this so if it works for me it may work for someone else. I'll let you know how it goes. If it doesn't work, oh well at least I tried.:bigsmile: I'm not saying you should try this. I'm just offering a different idea that I found here.

    Please Wish me luck with this. I hope it doesn't end in frustration.:noway:

    So, Steppingstones, after reading your post I thought I would post this here in case you or anyone else would like to check into it. Oh, by the way, I lost 1 pound when I weighed myself on Thursday. (my regular weigh day). I'll see how this goes for the next couple of weeks. I gave my body a rest week to let it know it doesn't have to hold on to the food and store it as fat and that I AM feeding it . (Poor little starving body.) :sad: Next Monday I will be at 1600 calories per day. On days I exercise more I will add 120 calories and the days of the four exercise days that I don't exercise I will subtract 120 calories. I don't keep track of the calories burned or try to eat them back as that is already figured into the 1600 calories maintenance for 150 pounds. Make sense?

    If you or anyone else is interested you can go to the group "Eating for a Future You" The person that started this group is very helpful. I messaged him with my information and he got back to me with my plan for calories and exercise. :drinker:

    S - I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I'm praying for sun and a little warmth. How about you? Really tired of the snow/rain/wind and COLD.

    Healthy eating,
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Hey there,
    Thanks for the information. I plan to check it out. Your body sounds like a description of mine. Knee replacements, Bone on bone in lower lumbar...I think shaking up your food plan is a good thing. I wish you lots of luck with it.

    Today we had rain, hail and possibly of a tornado still being predicted. Sunday is supposed to be the start of a sunny week. But who believes the weatherman? I just get up and look out the window.

    Long day out with good friend . I now must now tackle dinner.

    Good weekend to you, too.:love::love: