Nike+ sensor

Bomer5 Posts: 4 Member
Just curious on how people like and use their sensors.. your best times/distances... anything you care to share...


  • My son and I love ours. We use it to keep track of our miles and to help us keep on pace. I never liked running but my son was training for wrestling and needed someone to go with him. I started running with him after not running for 20 years. He asked for a Nike+ sensor so I got us both one. It has helpped keep me motivated. I have been running for 5 weeks now and my longest run was just over 5 miles. I now average 3 miles every run and try to run at least 3 times a week. We are running a 4 mile race on Easter Sunday and hope to be up for a marathon next year.
  • Bomer5
    Bomer5 Posts: 4 Member
    That is awesome :) I have been walking for about 7 weeks now. I have bad asthma and cannot run yet, drs orders... but I hope to be running soon... I have been having a bit of a hard time with my sensor lately, it seems to be a little off or something, I tried recalibrating it but I don't know what it is, the distances just don't always add up, I walk the same way everytime and its always different mileage or calories its crazy but I still love it lol.. good luck on the 4 mile race and the marathon :)
  • babeins
    babeins Posts: 3 Member
    I have had my sensor since around the beginning of January. I love using it and use it for walking as opposed to running, but it's still great for tracking that. I had to stop walking for a while because along with plantar faciitis on the bottom of my foot, I also have achilles tendonitis and had to lay off high level of actiivty for awhile. Getting back to it now and back up to about 2.5 miles a day. Trying to figure out more on the nike + website because apparently you can have it track your activity as walking as opposed to running, but haven't found the right setting yet. At any rate, I love it and it's a great way to track activity. :wink: