Day 6!

LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
Still can't breathe. On the plus side, I'm not putting ON weight because my appetite is dead LOL. How is everyone?


  • mustanggirl_2011
    mustanggirl_2011 Posts: 116 Member
    Oh you poor thing! This cold and flu season is one of the worst :( I have jury duty today so oh what joy for me :) Still hoping I get out of there in time to get home and get a workout in. Get some rest girl!
  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    Hope you feel better soon! And Sorry about the jury duty :/ that's never fun.
    I am super sore today from 30DS, but still trucking. Hoping to turn my 2 mile run tonight into 3...but we will see how I feel after a long day of work!
  • leeann788
    leeann788 Posts: 72 Member
    Just returned form grocery shopping...gaah...I hate that job! I"m exhausted from the chore...and my son has a speed skating tournament this evening, so I'm not sure I'm getting actual exercise in today. But I'm okay with that!

    Hope you start to feel better soon girl!

    Good luck with your day ladies :smile:
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    I am finally starting to feel better. I'm hoping to make it to the gym tomorrow morning. Cross your fingers for me. I can't take much more of this inactivity LOL
  • Glad you're feeling a bit better.

    I am doing good, looking forward to weighing in on Friday. :) I've been off from the gym for the past 2 days, so I am going back tonight.
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    Yay for feeling a little better!

    @ Mustanggirl-Jury duty SUCKS!
    @CNG-I love 30DS. Quick, but efficient.
    @Leeann-Totally feel you on hating grocery shopping. Publix is fabulous. They unload your cart onto the belt, load into your cart, loads them into your car. I don't ever feel shabby when I leave there!
    @Mel-*Crossing fingers for a good weigh day!*

    Me? Same old. I felt awful yesterday, but much better today. I had a fantastic workout today and managed to crank out 20 burpees. I can feel myself getting stronger every day. I love that.