New here, and looking for friends!

Hey all,

I'm 31 and I've got a 4 month old LO and am exclusively breastfeeding.

I'm a few lbs under my pre preggers weight but haven't lost any more in months! I was hoping breastfeeding would really help me shed the extra lbs i want to lose but it looks like i've got to work a bit harder!

I'm looking for friends with a similar amount to lose. I ideally want to lose 17lbs, i'm 5 ft 1 and would like to be about 8 1/2 stone (119lbs), i'm 9 st 10 (136lbs) at the moment.

To lose 1lb a week MFF put me at 1210 calories a day, with 500 added for breastfeeding but i've upped it to total 1800 calories a day because i'm worried about the effect on my supply.

If you'd like to be a friend to this lonely newby i'd be very grateful :)



  • kjbbdoll
    kjbbdoll Posts: 86
    My name is Krista and I also have 17lbs to go. My 'baby' is now 2.5yrs old but I exclusively breastfed 5 babies and can help you with any questions if need be. You are a very smart girl to be weary of your milk supply with limiting your calories so WTG on knowing what's best and congratulations on your new baby and for giving breastfeeding a go! Feel free to 'friend' me, I am new also but am loving it here so far! I was on another site for over a month and MFP is so much more helpful.
  • Munchkin300380
    Munchkin300380 Posts: 8 Member
    Yay! Lovely to meet you!! I see so many people losing big numbers of lbs and I think 'I haven't really got that much to lose' but I suspect the less extra weight you're carrying the harder each lb is. I'm lighter than I've been for years (since I stopped smoking!) and I'm feeling really positive about Mfp. I love messing about on my phone and I can do it whilst feeding :)
    It must be a handful having a toddler??
  • Kristen0526
    Kristen0526 Posts: 168 Member
    Congrats on your dedication to getting fit! My son just turned 4 months old, I've been on MFP for about 2 months now, I have more than 17 lbs to lose, but I would love to be friends, the more friends you have on here, I find the easier it is to stay on track! Everyone helps everyone else stay motivated and positive! Great to meet you!
  • Emersons_Mom
    I'm new here and have a 4 month old as well. I have more than 17lbs to lose, but would love to follow your journey!
  • kjbbdoll
    kjbbdoll Posts: 86
    Yeah, my lil guy is a handful but so fun! My kids range in age from 2.5yrs to 16yrs so I really treasure this age a lot more then when I was younger and had the other children. It's true what everyone says-the years really do just fly by! Enjoy your nursling, they are precious <3
  • sar123bear
    Hi there- I too have a little one that is almost 4 months old (3.5) - I'm almost to my first weight loss goal of 185- I've lost 62 lbs since 12/14 already (25-30 being baby) :-) My next goal is 165 - after that, 145, then maybe 125!! I've never been below 145 in my adult life, but I finally feel like I've found the secret to my success! Eating more, not less... surprisingly! :-) I'd love to have more momma friends, and I'd love to help others lose the weight they're wanting to lose too... that's why I started a weight loss group just for mommas like myself on Facebook- It's really been helping me stay motivated and on task. :) Let me know if you want to be a part of it too! Happy losing everyone! :happy:

  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 349 Member
    Hi! I also have a four month old and am breastfeeding. I also upped my calories to 1800 because I am worried about supply. I have a three year old too and she was always underweight and we had a hell of a time trying to put weight on her with breastfeeding so I am worried about calories. That being said my 4 month old weighs more then my 3 year old did at 18 months!! My goal for weight loss is 35 pounds. I want to get back to my pre first pregnancy weight of 125 lbs! This is my first week at this and my first weigh in is tomorrow! Good luck with you goals and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    I'm almost the exact same stats as you! I'm 5'0" and want to lose 15 pounds down to 125... that's my goal for now since that is my pre-pregnancy weight. I ideally would like to weigh 118. I made that weight with Weight Watchers a couple years ago and felt healthy there, my pre-preggo weight is my first goal though. My LO is 2 months old and I'm exclusively breastfeeding.