New Friends for Motivation!

simplistic7 Posts: 3 Member
New friends for motivation. Interested in losing some fat and gaining some muscle although im not so sure how to do it! lol Thanks Guys


  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    Are you doing a particular program? What sorta help do you need? I can be a wealth of useful and useless knowledge at times .. haha :) Welcome.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    It's generally fairly hard to do both of those at the same time. It's easier to lose fat than it is to build muscle, which is why a lot of guys will cut to their goal weight/bf % and then go into a slight surplus, up their protein a bit, and then focus on building. From there it's a build and cut back and forth until you're where you want to be.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I am also a wealth of ..... wait does that imply I'm useful to people? No,I'm whatever the opposite is I guess.

    Um - you CAN build SOME muscle AND lose fat if you are 1) a beginner 2) genetically predisposed to do so.

    You won't really know til you try.
    I'd say you're only 10 lbs overweight so don't even bother with a cut yet, build first, cut after. I've put on muscle while dieting but I was not only a beginner, AND genetically predisposed to some gain but I also am not dieting very drastically - some days i eat maintenance calories and somedays I eat a bit under, I rarely eat more than 200 calories under. I don't really expect to see muscle gains anymore, its been 8 months now AND I've got girl hormones.

    Also you might not ACTUALLY need to lose 10lbs of fat at all - you might just think that because you really need to build muscle to lose that flabby look.
  • triplejay1
    triplejay1 Posts: 84 Member
    I got some muscle in my chest do (chest fly) machine exercises (low rep, high weight), I can feel them, but cant see them very well yet, because i still have some fat over them, if i can get my body fat % down to about 15-16 the muscle should start well.
  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337
    Ohhh thats how u found me :D
    Pushups are simple and effective, especially inclined and deep ones.

    As mentioned, flys are great.
    Diet is mega important too.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    22 years old how about you teach yourself to walk on your hands? or at least get to the point where you can balance against a wall and do some pushups. that'll help your chest.