Weigh Day 3/7/12 :)

Alrighty guys! You got through your first week!

Here's the information I need:

Starting weight -
Current weight -
Total weeks jumping jacks -
Total weeks water -
Best NSV (non scale victory) -
Comments/Thoughts -

Here's mine:

Starting Weight - 204
Current Weight - 200-204 (jumping up and down like I said)
Total weeks jumping jacks - 740 (yes, I did do that many. Wasn't too hard considering I've been doing the 30 day shred :)
Total weeks water - 19/56 (Awful water intake this week. But that's okay. Tomorrow is a new day and I promise to do better.)
Best NSV - My friend at school is a state championship runner. He took my phone today and ran, I successfully ran after him and got my phone back WITHOUT losing my breath :)) That made me really happy! I always lose my breath, and he is SOOO fast!
Comments/Thoughts - I'm not to happy with my results, my weight has stayed the same but 3/6/12 was a cheat day plus I'm retaining water from my workouts. Progress though!! Plus, I'm happy because my inches on my waist and hips have done down, my endurance for the 30ds has made progress, and because of my NSV! :)

:) How did you guys do?

REMEMBER: Whoever had the highest number for jumping jacks and whoever had the highest number for water intake get to be the Motivators of the Week! :D

Thanks so much for all of your participation! I'm looking forward to making progress this month with you guys!!

NEW IDEA: Whoever loses the most weight this month will be crowned "March Motivation Challenges Biggest Loser" :)

Can't wait to hear all your results so far! :)



  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    SW: 102
    Cw: 100
    JJ: Way too many to count, Insanity has me doing every night plus the challenges here.
    Water: 320 oz, I think. I average about 9 bottles a day
    NSV: My body seems tighter, my husband told me my arms have gotten tiny and he can see definiton.
    Comments/thoughts: I can do better!
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    Alrighty guys! You got through your first week!

    Here's the information I need:

    Starting weight -
    Current weight -
    Total weeks jumping jacks -
    Total weeks water -
    Best NSV (non scale victory) -
    Comments/Thoughts -

    Here's mine:

    Starting Weight - 204
    Current Weight - 200-204 (jumping up and down like I said)
    Total weeks jumping jacks - 740 (yes, I did do that many. Wasn't too hard considering I've been doing the 30 day shred :)
    Total weeks water - 19/56 (Awful water intake this week. But that's okay. Tomorrow is a new day and I promise to do better.)
    Best NSV - My friend at school is a state championship runner. He took my phone today and ran, I successfully ran after him and got my phone back WITHOUT losing my breath :)) That made me really happy! I always lose my breath, and he is SOOO fast!
    Comments/Thoughts - I'm not to happy with my results, my weight has stayed the same but 3/6/12 was a cheat day plus I'm retaining water from my workouts. Progress though!! Plus, I'm happy because my inches on my waist and hips have done down, my endurance for the 30ds has made progress, and because of my NSV! :)

    :) How did you guys do?

    REMEMBER: Whoever had the highest number for jumping jacks and whoever had the highest number for water intake get to be the Motivators of the Week! :D

    Thanks so much for all of your participation! I'm looking forward to making progress this month with you guys!!

    NEW IDEA: Whoever loses the most weight this month will be crowned "March Motivation Challenges Biggest Loser" :)

    Can't wait to hear all your results so far! :)


    Great job!!!!
  • tiffanylb88
    tiffanylb88 Posts: 38 Member
    Starting weight -146
    Current weight -146
    Total weeks jumping jacks -200 jumping jacks for this challenge, more for another but i don't think i should count those (?)
    Total weeks water -38/56
    Best NSV (non scale victory) -the only thing i think i did well was i'm sore from my workout sessions
    Comments/Thoughts - I hate that I didn't lose anything but I did good today and I'm gonna stay on track :-)
  • AutumnLaughs
    Hello, all! I'm new to this group and have very high hopes-this seems like just the place to be!

    Starting weight - 140
    Current weight - 136
    Total weeks jumping jacks - 2,500! (I'm not too coordinated, so I really fall back on my jacks with a sweat-pouring 500 (ten sets of fifty) five times a week)

    Total weeks water - 70
    Best NSV (non scale victory) - Today I ordered a banana instead of a chocolate chip muffin without thinking twice!
    Comments/Thoughts - I'm dropping weight very slowly, but I think I've put on muscle mass and that is thrilling. Don't tell anyone, but I'm breaking all the rules and have a goal to drop weight by prom!
  • AutumnLaughs
    Starting weight -146
    Current weight -146
    Total weeks jumping jacks -200 jumping jacks for this challenge, more for another but i don't think i should count those (?)
    Total weeks water -38/56
    Best NSV (non scale victory) -the only thing i think i did well was i'm sore from my workout sessions
    Comments/Thoughts - I hate that I didn't lose anything but I did good today and I'm gonna stay on track :-)

    Sounds to me like you're burning fat and adding muscle mass, since you got yourself good and sore. Keep it up!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Starting weight - 173
    Current weight - 171
    Total weeks jumping jacks - 200
    Total weeks water - 36 glasses
    Best NSV (non scale victory) - I said 'no' to chocolate twice this week
    Comments/Thoughts - a big Thank You to Prescilla for posting the challenges the night before. This is a great group and I appreciate everyone's participation.
  • meluc
    meluc Posts: 153 Member
    Starting weight - 165.2 lbs
    Current weight - 165.2 lbs (joined group today)
    Total weeks jumping jacks - N/A
    Total weeks water - 56 (I drink 2 litres of water every day)
    Best NSV (non scale victory) - Tried on work pants today that still had a tag on. I bought them on sale and they were too tight when I bought them, but as I tried them on this morning, I realised they are too loose on me...Shocking!
    Comments/Thoughts - Excited to join a challenge, that ususally keeps me on my toes more ;)
  • Christaaa78
    Christaaa78 Posts: 65 Member
    SW: 168 lbs
    CW: 169 lbs
    Jumping Jacks: 40

    So I'm not happy!

    I had a tough week for dieting.

    My boyfriend and I both celebrated our birthday, so I made pies (and tasted whenever needed ;) ). On our party I had way to much to eat and drink. But also the next 2 days I had to much. My boyfriend was in a caraccident and although he wasn't hurt, I told myself this was a good reason for stress-eating. Normally I exercise more if I eat more to compensate, but I fell down the stairs saturdaymorning and running just hurts!

    All together I gained a little weight. I'm hoping I'm just retaining water and hopefully I will lose it again fast. At least I found my motivation back, so i'm positive that I will have lost weight next week. :)
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    sexyminxinthemaking Posts: 451 Member
    starting weight 134.2lbs
    current weight 132.6lbs
    water = 48/54
    jumping jacks 250
    nsv = feeling much better in my clothes as the muffin top finally has disappeared almost lol

    thoughts , need to have no cheat days this week,i had two last week oops see if i can get 2lb weight loss this week x
  • nniimmcckk
    nniimmcckk Posts: 74 Member
    SW: 168 lbs
    CW: 169 lbs
    Jumping Jacks: 40

    So I'm not happy!

    I had a tough week for dieting.

    My boyfriend and I both celebrated our birthday, so I made pies (and tasted whenever needed ;) ). On our party I had way to much to eat and drink. But also the next 2 days I had to much. My boyfriend was in a caraccident and although he wasn't hurt, I told myself this was a good reason for stress-eating. Normally I exercise more if I eat more to compensate, but I fell down the stairs saturdaymorning and running just hurts!

    All together I gained a little weight. I'm hoping I'm just retaining water and hopefully I will lose it again fast. At least I found my motivation back, so i'm positive that I will have lost weight next week. :)

    Wow man you did have a tough week. :heart: but here you are being honest and positive :happy: x x
  • lkc89
    lkc89 Posts: 4
    Jumping jacks: none, but been to the gym every other day (jumping jacks not for me but still getting in some exercise)
    Water: Not sure, failed miserably to keep track but will do from today onwards, motivation!

    Best moment was last night when my boyfriend ordered pizza, I stuck to my original plan for a roast sweet potato with beans and salad, and enjoyed it!

    Only began my weightloss journey on Sunday so a pound in 4 days ain't so bad! :)

    Thanks for keeping up the motivation!
  • nniimmcckk
    nniimmcckk Posts: 74 Member
    Starting weight - 202
    Current weight - 196.5
    Total weeks jumping jacks - 300 + what ever I did in 30 day shred L1 - done 3 times in the week
    Total weeks water - 40 glasses
    Best NSV (non scale victory) - reaching for ryvita instead of pizza

    Comments/Thoughts - Reading through everyone's comments and efforts is so motivating. You are all doing so well. This group is great. Prescilla thanks for putting in your time and effort. I love the thought of us all, from places all over the world, coming together here to support each other :)
    JMSKCW Posts: 43 Member
    Startine weight- 181
    Current weight- 180
    Jumping jacks- I really didn't count but I did at least 300
    Water- minimum of 8/day (also didn't really keep track of overage but luckily for me, drinking water has never been an issue)
    Best NSV- getting up yesterday at 5:30 a.m. to go to body pump after major car trouble on Monday (my normal gym day). I am so not a morning person but I know I need the exercise!

    Comments: Everyone seems to be doing a great job! I also like the addition of the NSV- there are so many victories outside of the scale and, as I think we all know, the scale doesn't always tell the whole story!
  • btsco
    btsco Posts: 3
    SW - 149
    CW - 147
    jumping jacks - ?? I do Insanity 5x a week
    water - at least 10/day no problem there
    best NSV - I did Insanity 5x last week
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    SW: 235.4
    CW: 235.0

    Jumping Jacks- 400
    Water- 64 glasses

    Best NSV- I didn't really feel like going to the gym yesterday but I went anyways. Afterwards I felt great.
    Comments/Thoughts: I had a cheat day on Saturday. I'm not going to have a cheat day this week so hopefully I can lose more weight this week. Reading everyone's comments is really motivating and everyone is doing great!!
  • Geeky_Girl
    Geeky_Girl Posts: 239 Member
    Starting weight (for the challenge)- 213 lbs
    Current weight - 210.5 lbs (yesterday's weight)
    Total weeks jumping jacks - 0
    Total weeks water - 40 oz
    Best NSV (non scale victory) - staying under my calories every day. Oh, and my clothes look a little better I think. :)
    Comments/Thoughts - I liked the water challenge. Someone like me, who doesn't really like water, has to think about drinking water. It's a little more natural to me now. :)
  • Drizzt_d99
    Drizzt_d99 Posts: 80 Member
    Starting weight - 249.5
    Current weight - 245.1
    Total weeks jumping jacks - 420
    Total weeks water - 103/56
    Best NSV (non scale victory) - I had a leather jacket in the closet for many years that was ripped and so I stopped wearing it. It was also way too small for me to wear. I tried it on this week and it fits again. I am going to get it fixed so I can use it.

    Comments/Thoughts - I love the daily challenges. Thank you for all the hard work you are doing by giving us challenges to do and stay motivated.
  • hncall01
    hncall01 Posts: 152 Member
    Hey Guys!!! Here is my information! =]

    Starting weight - 200.4
    Current weight - 200.8
    Total weeks jumping jacks - 500 jumping jacks!
    Total weeks water - 120 ounces
    Best NSV (non scale victory) - Being able to run for 5 minutes without losing my breath on the treadmill.
    Comments/Thoughts - Definitely need to watch what I eat more and make it to the gym a lot more. Shooting for 5-6 times a week!!
  • addiograsso
    addiograsso Posts: 479
    Starting weight - 274 (yes, I know it said 271, but i stepped on the scale to get a fresh starting point knowing full well that last Wednesday was not a good day and it said 274
    Current weight - 270.5 - so either way I've lost a smidge. I guess i really just relost the 3 pounds I gained - but at least down a 1/2 pound
    Total weeks jumping jacks - 35-40... :grumble: :explode: :sad: :blushing: Very disappointed. Trying to do without DH's knowledge as I would be embarrased and well - more to this story than worth sharing here... :)
    Total weeks water - 58+ Did pretty well - hitting it hard today though!
    Best NSV (non scale victory) - Hmmmm - don't know - just happy to be doing it. Skin looks better from drinking more water - let;s go with that.
    Comments/Thoughts - WOW! We have lots of success stories this week - yay for everyone! Silla - Thanks for doing this and motivating. Let's all do this, k? Love the "biggest loser" idea - competition is a great motivator!
  • addiograsso
    addiograsso Posts: 479
    Hello, all! I'm new to this group and have very high hopes-this seems like just the place to be!

    Starting weight - 140
    Current weight - 136
    Total weeks jumping jacks - 2,500! (I'm not too coordinated, so I really fall back on my jacks with a sweat-pouring 500 (ten sets of fifty) five times a week)

    Total weeks water - 70
    Best NSV (non scale victory) - Today I ordered a banana instead of a chocolate chip muffin without thinking twice!
    Comments/Thoughts - I'm dropping weight very slowly, but I think I've put on muscle mass and that is thrilling. Don't tell anyone, but I'm breaking all the rules and have a goal to drop weight by prom!

    Good Golly - you go girl!!!!!!! 2500 jumping jacks - WOW! Ithink you win! :)